News & Press8

Bio Star 2015 - All good things come in fours!

bio star awards

We are jubilant! Biomazing was honoured four times at this year's Bio Star 2015 awards in Switzerland. This means that the number of awards has even doubled compared to the previous year. We are delighted that our passion, dedication, hard work and passion for natural cosmetics have also been recognised by all our fans, customers and partners [...].

Hot Topic: Palm oil

hot topic palm oil cover picture

Palm oil was originally extracted from the oil palms of the West African rainforests. The fruits of the oil palm are about 4-5cm in size and reddish in colour, with firm yellowish flesh and a hard stone. Crude palm oil is pressed from the flesh of the palm oil fruit, while palm kernel oil is extracted from the stone. Palm oil has many benefits and is the most widely used vegetable oil in the world. [...]

Will there soon be genetically modified honey in the EU?

will there soon be getechnik honey in the eu cover picture

In 2011, the European Court of Justice issued a ruling that strengthened the rights of consumers and beekeepers with regard to genetically modified honey: honey containing traces of genetically modified plants and pollen had to be strictly tested before it was authorised. However, in January 2013, the EU Parliament reversed this decision.

Organic pioneer Dr Hauschka wins the world's first organic mango butter

organic pioneer dr hauschka wins first organic mango butter cover picture

Even organic brands have either had to use conventional quality mango butter or do without it. Although organic mango fruits are available, their seeds were previously thrown away or burnt instead of being processed into mango butter. This was a sticking point for the organic pioneer Dr Hauschka and a ground-breaking project has been underway since 2008: Extracting the world's first organic mango butter in India.

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