DIY hair treatment for soft and supple hair

diy hair treatment for soft and supple hair cover picture

Summer! The sun, heat, sea and beach quickly take their toll on your hair. With this simple DIY recipe, your hair will shine again. The best thing about this hair treatment: you are sure to have almost all the ingredients at home, and the mask consists of 100% natural products.

Tested: Soapwalla Deodorant Crème

deodorant cream

The safety of deodorants was one of the first topics of the natural cosmetics movement, and it is still a hotly debated issue. As summer approaches, the topic of aluminium in deodorants is once again on everyone's lips. But the guesswork and fear could be over long ago - because Soapwalla's deodorant cream keeps you fresh, dry and [...]

Misunderstood all-rounder: apricot kernel oil

unrecognised all-rounder apricot oil cover picture

Although coconut oil is booming as an all-rounder, an old, rediscovered all-rounder is slowly but surely making its presence felt, glistening golden and calm in the bottle and working wonders for hair, skin, after-sun and even as baby care: cosmetic apricot kernel oil.

Three breakfast ideas - delicious & sin-free

three breakfast ideas - delicious & sin-free cover picture

As if the question of "to get up" or "not to get up" wasn't hard enough, the decisions continue in the morning. Jam croissant or gluten-free organic pastry with hummus? Coffee with lots of milk and sugar or unsweetened green tea with freshly squeezed orange juice? A healthy, filling and delicious breakfast is not as complicated as you might think!

Unbelievable but true: happiness and health through giving

unbelievable but true luck and health by giving

It's slowly getting warmer again, the sun is shining and it's only natural that spring makes us feel happy. It's no wonder that beaming faces and people in love are part of the cityscape again! Yet there are studies that prove that you can have a lasting positive influence on your own happiness and health - by giving.

Hot Topic: Palm oil

hot topic palm oil cover picture

Palm oil was originally extracted from the oil palms of the West African rainforests. The fruits of the oil palm are about 4-5cm in size and reddish in colour, with firm yellowish flesh and a hard stone. Crude palm oil is pressed from the flesh of the palm oil fruit, while palm kernel oil is extracted from the stone. Palm oil has many benefits and is the most widely used vegetable oil in the world. [...]

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