Beautiful skin through good nutrition

beautiful skin through good nutrition cover picture

A healthy diet is one of the most important pillars of healthy skin. The good news is that spring is on its way and will make things a lot easier for us. So get your hands on fresh fruit and vegetables as nature gives them to us (preferably from our region - after all, we don't want to support unnecessary transport routes). Carrots, spinach, chard and sweet potatoes are highly recommended due to their high beta-carotene content.

It won't be long until fresh berries the market, and the Saladseason is also approaching. Anything with green leaves is great for the skin and there are plenty of them!


If you are struggling with blemished skin, you should first try to avoid the usual suspects: Coffee, sweet drinks, fast food, excessive sweets and refined wheat flour products. We also recommend a gentle detox programme (This is how it works), during which the body eliminates waste products and toxins, which can also make the skin clearer. Starting the day with a glass of lemon water also makes a big difference. This alkalises the body and has the welcome side effect of clearer, radiant skin.

Food heals not only from the inside, but also from the outside! This is how it works:

Tomatoes have anti-inflammatory properties: Puree fresh organic tomatoes and apply to the skin, rinse off with lukewarm water after 10 minutes. You can also freeze the tomato puree in ice cube bags and rub your face daily with a cube.

Or something Yoghurt with grated orange peel - naturally organic! - Mix into a paste and rub into the face in circular motions (you can also just use water instead of yoghurt).

This recipe is particularly good for irritated skin: Fresh yeast with water or yoghurt Mix to a paste, add a few drops of lemon juice, apply to the face as a pack and wash off after 10 minutes.

And here is a pimple scare: Strong peppermint tea soak cotton pads with it and gently cover the skin.



From nutrition expert Zsuzsanna Groggyer

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