
Summer trick and recipes: fruit upcycling

summer tricks and recipes fruit upcycling cover picture

The sustainability pros at have revealed their summer highlights for upcycling fruit. If you take your eyes off the fruit bowl for a day in summer, crunchy and visually appealing fruit has become a muddy holiday destination for fruit flies. If you're thinking about organic waste right now, you're missing out! With these three simple recipe ideas [...]

Three breakfast ideas - delicious & sin-free

three breakfast ideas - delicious & sin-free cover picture

As if the question of "to get up" or "not to get up" wasn't hard enough, the decisions continue in the morning. Jam croissant or gluten-free organic pastry with hummus? Coffee with lots of milk and sugar or unsweetened green tea with freshly squeezed orange juice? A healthy, filling and delicious breakfast is not as complicated as you might think!

Punch recipes for healthy enjoyment

punch recipes for healthy enjoyment cover picture

Every year, Advent markets entice us with hot, wonderfully fragrant punch and mulled wine. Unfortunately, however, these delicious hot drinks are often not only the purest sugar sin, but are also laced with colourings, flavourings, chemical additives and aromas. In combination with alcohol of poor quality, an evening of punch often leaves a bad aftertaste - headache and stomach problems included. But [...]

Detox in spring - pleasant and gentle

detox in spring cover picture

Spring fatigue often overcomes us in spring - a sign that the body is struggling with waste products and deposits that drain its energy and make us sluggish. A gentle detox treatment helps the body to eliminate all harmful substances and gives us strength and new energy. Into spring, yay!

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