
Trend topic: Microplastics in cosmetics

trend topic microplastics in cosmetics cover picture

Advertising shows us how: Manufacturers advertise with "small, soft beads soaked in essential oils" that "mechanically" clean the skin and teeth. The consumer can - and should - freely interpret exactly what this means. But nobody thinks about the fact that these are tiny plastic particles that find their way into our bodies and the environment [...]

Misunderstood all-rounder: apricot kernel oil

unrecognised all-rounder apricot oil cover picture

Although coconut oil is booming as an all-rounder, an old, rediscovered all-rounder is slowly but surely making its presence felt, glistening golden and calm in the bottle and working wonders for hair, skin, after-sun and even as baby care: cosmetic apricot kernel oil.

Unbelievable but true: happiness and health through giving

unbelievable but true luck and health by giving

It's slowly getting warmer again, the sun is shining and it's only natural that spring makes us feel happy. It's no wonder that beaming faces and people in love are part of the cityscape again! Yet there are studies that prove that you can have a lasting positive influence on your own happiness and health - by giving.

8 tips for a successful detox programme

8 tips for a successful detox cure cover picture

Detoxing is on everyone's lips. What used to be known as a spring cleanse is no longer limited to one season or a certain period of time. More and more people want to lead a completely de-toxified lifestyle and follow the basic rules for a healthy and detoxified body every day. Whether long or short detox, whether juice or [...]

Will there soon be genetically modified honey in the EU?

will there soon be getechnik honey in the eu cover picture

In 2011, the European Court of Justice issued a ruling that strengthened the rights of consumers and beekeepers with regard to genetically modified honey: honey containing traces of genetically modified plants and pollen had to be strictly tested before it was authorised. However, in January 2013, the EU Parliament reversed this decision.

Lubricants, intimate care & co: intimate products under the magnifying glass

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Lubricant and intimate hygiene is a global business worth billions. Thousands of products are bought every year: by couples, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, women on the pill, for menopausal symptoms or as a nice extra. But stress and the use of sleeping pills and antidepressants can also have a major impact on the body, and the use of intimate products and lubricants [...].

Superfood spotlight: Ginger for blooming health

superfood spotlight ginger cover picture

Ginger has been a well-known and popular ingredient in healthy cooking for a few years now. However, ginger is much more than just a tasty ingredient or an exotic spice: ginger is a well-known remedy for all kinds of problems. In Asian cultures, ginger has been incorporated into everyday life for thousands of years to make the most of its healing [...].

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