Pai Skincare

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At the beginning of her twenties, Pai Skincare founder Sarah Brown had started hypersensitive and acne-prone skin to fight. Although they Never had skin problems before and her skin was always even. Since she no longer tolerated any productsshe began to develop Pai Skincare to help people with particularly sensitive skin. Her aim was to create a brand that could transform pure and pure ingredients into effective skincare products without burdening the skin and that was also able to deal with very sensitive skin.


19,00 CHF44,00 CHF

Includes 8.1% MwSt.

39,00 CHF

Includes 8.1% MwSt.

28,00 CHF41,50 CHF

Includes 8.1% MwSt.

31,00 CHF49,00 CHF

Includes 8.1% MwSt.

19,60 CHF

Includes 8.1% MwSt.

50,50 CHF

Includes 8.1% MwSt.

So far with us Original price was: 28,00 CHF.Current price is: 21,00 CHF.

Includes 8.1% MwSt.
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