Your Valentine's Day gift says just one word - DIY!

valentine's day dessert

The holiday of lovers, the day of the red heart and freshly scented flowers is practically just around the corner. Some love it and all those who forget it condemn it, some say to themselves, "I won't join in with this invented consumer madness", but then have a guilty conscience when others do. No matter how you feel about it, Valentine's Day is just a few days away and here's something that offers a tasty alternative to 'normal' gifts.

Biomazing has the ultimate solution for a romantic and enjoyable Valentine's Day: Do it yourself!
Invite your loved one to a homemade brunch, bake a cake or go for a relaxing walk together. Give the gift of time and do something with lots of love. You will see that HE will remember it and appreciate it more than the small financial investment on a day like any other.

Time is the only gift that costs nothing and yet is priceless. Instead of booking a table at an expensive restaurant, think up your romantic menu together and cook for two. Dance around the kitchen to your favourite song and look through old photo albums. Spontaneously visit your grandmother or mother-in-law and do something you've never done before.

Valentine's Day brunch

It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be good!

We wish you a wonderful Valentine's Day!

PS: In order to give free rein to your own creativity, we are not giving exact recipe details here, but we have
used: Falafel (from the organic market), tomatoes filled with avocado cream, caper berries, olives filled with almonds and a small heart of beetroot and horseradish spread (from Alnatura).

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