Yoga, Love, Sex

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Spring is just around the corner and right now you can feel the love everywhere. The days are getting longer and the sun is energising us, spring fever is awakening. In one of my yoga classes, the question arose as to whether there are actually asanas (physical exercises) that increase the sex drive. I have to admit that it took some - of course theoretical - research.

I found what I was looking for in William J. Broad's book "The Science of Yoga". The author devotes an entire chapter to this topic and also mentions some exercises that are said to increase testosterone levels. Among others, Ardha Matsyendrasana and Dhanurasna are mentioned. I take a critical view of this study, probably because my personal approach to yoga and the associated attitude to life is different.

Yoga is more than just "gymnastics" on the mat and should be understood as a unit, as a whole. Sex should therefore not take centre stage when performing the exercises and should not be seen as an acrobatic performance. In Ayurveda, the science of life, which is now on almost everyone's lips in the form of food or treatments, there is talk of "aphrodisiac foods". For example, garlic, onions and chickpeas may only be consumed by monks in small quantities, not to mention meat, as Ayurveda expert Johanna Legerer told me. According to yogic practice, all of these foods are avoided so that the mind can be calm and focussed.

As is emphasised time and again, sex primarily takes place in the mind and on an emotional level, and yoga also has an effect (not only) on the mind. Since I have been practising regularly, my body awareness and appreciation of myself and others have changed. I recognise and pay attention to my needs and try to stay true to myself and always be in the moment.
Maybe that's the secret? Because as the saying goes: You can only love someone else when you love yourself!

My personal advice when asked about yoga exercises that increase sex drive is therefore: try to be and live in the moment, whether in conversation with others or in your relationship, enjoy the moment, stay with yourself and put aside mental shopping and to-do lists for next Monday. This alone will increase and intensify the quality of interpersonal interaction.

With this in mind: take time for yourself... and for love!


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