Why is organic better?

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"Organic is better" - this statement has almost become a mantra of our time. So it's high time we questioned it: why exactly is organic better, and is organic really better?


:This article begins with a fact that we stand by: Organic is better. In many respects.

The first reason why many people turn to organic products is health. It has been proven that organic food supplies the body with more nutrients and vitamins, which provides the body with important substances that we need to live. (There was a study to the contrary a few months ago, but it was heavily criticised and there are a large number of studies that prove the increased nutritional value of organic products). In addition, eating organic products can protect the body from the intake of herbicides and pesticides, and possibly also from genetically manipulated foods, which are already known to be harmful to the body and do all sorts of things to its functions.

This applies not only to food, but also to cosmetics, fashion and other objects with which we come into contact: The skin absorbs creams and their ingredients and these are transported into the bloodstream, dyes and detergent residues are also absorbed through the skin and can impair bodily functions.

Healthy and good-looking skin is the result of a well-functioning liver and kidneys, which filter chemicals such as alcohol and toxins from the body. If you supply the body with fewer substances to be filtered out, it doesn't have to work as hard. So if you supply your body with fewer toxins, you don't burden it as much and you can see that - in the short and long term!

Organic products also have other advantages that are less well known, but are nevertheless a logical consequence. These advantages concern the environment and also the social and ethical environment:

The manufacture of organic products, whether care products, food or children's toys, is better for the environment than conventional production. Fewer harmful substances are used, which means that they do not have to be produced and purchased and therefore do not end up in the environment or in the health system of employees. The entire life cycle of a product benefits from the elimination of various toxic substances.

Another advantage of organic production is that almost 100% of organic producers are not only committed to environmentally friendly production, but also to fair working conditions. Even if there is no Fairtrade certification on the product, you can be fairly certain that production takes place under fair conditions for everyone involved.

... and these were just a few of the reasons why organic is clearly better!


Information from organic expert Anna Baumgartner 
photo credit: pinterest

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