What does love mean in our time?

what does love mean cover picture

In February, we are confronted with the topic of "love" everywhere, almost inundated with it. Do we question this form of commodification, or does it perhaps also suit us? In any case, the power of love is far too special to be limited to one day of the year.
What constitutes love? Where does it end and where does it begin? And is true love always mutual?

Confucius said: "What you love, let it go. If it comes back, it's yours - forever" 

This already contains an answer to our questions: Isn't it the most beautiful thing about love to be allowed to love? Isn't it already a first great gift to know someone who is so lovable and special to us that we consider ourselves lucky to know and "be allowed" to love this person? Even unrequited feelings are fully valid and no less strong. We can draw on the power of love and enjoy being allowed to love. When the blood flows through our veins, butterflies flutter in our stomachs and our hearts leap for joy. Let's celebrate love and celebrate this feeling!


And when you have found someone you want to love, you ask yourself: Where does love begin and where does it end? Does it even have to end? The question of how to reciprocate your feelings presupposes that you relate this love to another person. You can and should find the same love for yourself, because only then will you be able to love those around you. Love is such a strong and liberating feeling, especially love for oneself.


Loving yourself is anything but easy in an age of perfection, lifestyle, outward appearances and striving for social recognition. Instead of focussing on things that are visible, it is important to turn your attention inwards and focus on yourself without any distractions.
Those who like themselves "rest in themselves", they say, and that gives them strength. With this strength, everything suddenly becomes possible. You love yourself, your job, your environment, your friends and family and, above all, you love life. Loving for the sake of love? Wonderful! It's such a wonderful feeling to be in love (even with yourself) and to be allowed to love (yourself).

Poppy seeds

Something as beautiful as love should be celebrated! That's why this February we're celebrating love itself and the joy it brings us. Love involves so many wonderful things: trust, fun, affection and learning. Love cannot be reduced to one day a year, and it deserves more time to be dedicated to it, to celebrate it, to let it live high. We should cheer for love every day of the year. We should be grateful for love and for our loved ones every single day!

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