Cosy and warm - with good food

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When the temperatures outside drop, our body and its biorhythm also change. The desire for salads and cold soups disappears and we long for tea, warm soups and warming food.


Hot tea is the perfect way to start the day when you've just crawled out of bed. Ginger tea with honey and lemon juice is wonderfully warming. Grate a small piece of ginger, pour hot water over it, leave to infuse briefly and then add honey and lemon juice. Caution: never boil the ginger, otherwise valuable vitamins will be lost.

Ginger, the bitter-hot root, is an important component of macrobiotics and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). It stimulates blood circulation, noticeably warms the body from the inside, relieves muscle pain, helps with indigestion, energises and is therefore also useful in the early stages of a cold or flu. If you feel the flu or a cold coming on, it helps to drink a hot cup of ginger tea straight away, then get into bed and sweat - the cold and flu will disappear in no time!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day - and if you don't agree, you haven't found the right breakfast yet! Cereal porridges are wonderful for the cool and cold season. Whether millet, buckwheat, oats, barley or various mixed flakes, you can decide according to your mood. To make the perfect porridge, first lightly dry roast the flakes in a pan, then add a little water and bring to the boil briefly. When the water has boiled away, add soya, rice, oat or almond milk and continue to simmer gently. You can sweeten with maple syrup, maple syrup, honey, barley or rice malt. Now you can mix in finely chopped nuts, dried fruit or fresh fruit. A delicious and healthy breakfast is ready!

For the perfect start to a perfect day!


The information for this article was provided by nutrition expert Zsuzsanna Grogger. 
photo credit: Pinterest

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