Three breakfast ideas - delicious & sin-free

three breakfast ideas - delicious & sin-free cover picture

As if the question of "to get up" or "not to get up" wasn't hard enough, the decisions continue in the morning. Jam croissant or gluten-free organic pastry with hummus? Coffee with lots of milk and sugar or unsweetened green tea with freshly squeezed orange juice? A healthy, filling and delicious breakfast is not as complicated as you might think!

Because healthy doesn't mean boring, and tasty doesn't mean unhealthy. That's why we're presenting three breakfast ideas for a healthier and more enjoyable morning:

Salty morning

Bread and butter with salt and chives An often underestimated classic, which also has the unfair reputation of being a "fattening food". People say that bread makes you fat, that butter is unhealthy and that you should avoid salt anyway. However, a simple sandwich with salt and chives is not only delicious, but also healthy. As our body can digest cereals much better in combination with fat, this breakfast option is not heavy on the stomach.
Other advantages: It is quick to prepare, bread and butter are almost always at home, it keeps us full for a long time and is really healthy in combination with orange juice and/or fresh vegetables.

Bread with avocado, lemon, salt and pepper (vegan) Bread with avocado, lemon and spices is an even healthier version of buttered bread. In this case, the avocado takes on the role of digestive aid, as it consists largely of simple, unsaturated fatty acids. This fruit also contains many healthy vitamins such as A, B and E, making it a true superfood. Topped off with lemon juice, salt and pepper, avocado bread makes an excellent quick and healthy breakfast snack.

Sweet morning

Porridge with fruit, peanut butter and almonds (vegan) The perfect recipe for anyone who has 20 minutes for breakfast instead of a meagre five minutes. Porridge, and therefore a warm and filling breakfast, is particularly healthy. Traditional Chinese medicine has known this for a long time:
As our body is torn from its resting phase in the morning, it is up to us to wake it up as gently as possible. The best way to do this is to give it something warm in the morning, as this slowly gets the digestive system going so that it can function smoothly throughout the day. In East Asia, the best example of this is soup for breakfast

For healthy and warming porridge, boil cereal flakes (e.g. oat or spelt flakes, or tsampa, buckwheat...) with a little water and/or vegan milk (rice milk gives the porridge a sweet flavour) in a pan until a thick mixture forms. As mentioned above, add a tablespoon of unsweetened peanut butter to make the cereal easier to digest. Alternatively, you can cut up a banana and cook it for about 2 minutes. The banana also develops a very pleasant, sweet flavour due to the heat.
To finish, garnish with almonds, strawberries and optional toppings and nothing stands in the way of a perfect start to the day.

The facts These three breakfast ideas are intended to show that doing something good for your digestion is neither complicated nor time-consuming. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), good digestion is the basis for a healthy body. The comparison with a car engine is particularly memorable: nobody fills diesel into a petrol engine because the car doesn't know how to deal with this foreign fuel - pipes get blocked, no energy is generated, the car starts to rattle and soon the engine breaks down.

If the body gets exactly what it needs, namely easily digestible food and warm meals with a healthy fat content, digestion and energy production run like clockwork. This is because the body does not have to use any additional energy to convert the food into a digestible form.
Raw muesli is a good example of a less digestible breakfast. Although it fills you up for a long time, this is due to the raw grains lying in your stomach for a long time and because the body needs a lot of time and energy to digest them. As a result, our organs are not supplied with what they need until late in the day and we quickly feel weak and tired. It is therefore important to make sure you have an easily digestible breakfast first, so that you start the day fresh, healthy and full of energy.

No time for a nice breakfast? It's worth making time for the right breakfast! It's not just about the nutritional aspect: 20 minutes in the morning help us to collect ourselves, plan the day and perhaps also to reflect on what has happened. This turns breakfast into a flavourful morning meditation.

The author: Johanna Graf
The twenty-year-old from Vienna is studying environment and bioresource management at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences. She not only deals with environmentally relevant topics in her studies, but is also interested in healthy and sustainable nutrition in her private life. She also follows the latest trends in natural cosmetics and lifestyle with great interest.

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