The Damask rose - medicinal plant of the year 2013

the daaszen rose cover picture

The mere sight of a sea of flowers can put us in a calm, inspired or happy mood. The scent, the colours and the image of the flowers trigger something in us humans. This effect can be utilised in a targeted way - if you know and learn to use the healing power of plants.

Every year, a new plant is chosen as the medicinal plant of the year to emphasise the special healing effect of the respective plant and to draw attention to the healing power of the plant. ölaö

The medicinal plant of the year 2013 is the Damask rose (Rosa damascena). The rose originally comes from Persia and played an important role in Greek and Roman mythology thanks to its intense fragrance. From the Middle Ages, the Damask rose was cultivated in European monasteries as a medicinal plant. Even then, rose buds, rose petals, rose bark and rose leaves were used for healing and skin care.




While the Romans used rose oil and rose water to treat depression, the Persians used rose water primarily for desserts. However, Damask rose is particularly effective for the skin: it controls sebum production and moisturises at the same time. Sensitive and reddened skin is soothed and strengthened by rose. Rose can work wonders for the skin! And not just for the skin - after all, the scent of roses is also an aphrodisiac...

The effects of the rose can be enjoyed in many different ways: Rose petals are suitable for tea, as a decoration for dishes, for sweetening drinks, for making a rose water spray, or you can use rose oils and rose hydrolates. However, it is important to note that these are organic products and that you should avoid inhaling and absorbing herbicides and pesticides - these have a negative effect on our health and negate the healing effect.

These are our favourite products with rose:

Dr Hauschka Rose Cream, 30ml for CHF 33


Rose cream puff pastry


Dr Hauschka Rose Cream is a classic and also very popular with Hollywood stars. One tube of Dr Hauschka Rose Cream contains 1,070 rose petals!


Safeas honey regeneration mask, 50ml for CHF 42

Safeas honey regeneration mask

Honey and rose are the perfect combination to soothe tired and stressed skin and to intensively nourish and strengthen it. Safea's Honey Regenerating Mask can also be used overnight as an intensive mask - for a radiant, rosy complexion and a touch of aromatherapy during the day or to fall asleep. Caution, only has a limited aphrodisiac effect on your partner...


Dr Hauschka Facial Toner Special, 1ooml for CHF 34

Dr Hauschka Facial Toner Special

Dr Hauschka Facial Toner Special is suitable for impure and particularly sensitive skin - Damask rose normalises sebum production and strengthens the skin.


Màdara Tinted Fluid, 50ml CHF 36

Màdara Tinted Fluid

The skin often reacts very sensitively to the influences to which it is exposed during the day. With Màdara's tinted fluid you can protect your skin all day long with the power of Damask rose.

Stark Skincare Buttery Lip Silk, 4.3g for CHF 14

Stark Skincare Argan Lip Balm vegan Biomazing

 Strong Skincare product no. 5 is a buttery soft lip care that cannot be described better than lip silk. Leaves a thin protective layer that doesn't stick, smudge or irritate. And the scent of pure Damask rose is simply marvellous.

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