Superfood spotlight: Ginger for blooming health

superfood spotlight ginger cover picture

Ginger has been a well-known and popular ingredient in healthy cooking for a few years now. However, ginger is much more than just a tasty ingredient or an exotic spice: ginger is a well-known remedy for all kinds of problems. In Asian cultures, ginger has been incorporated into everyday life for thousands of years in order to benefit from its healing and health-promoting properties.

Here is a brief summary of the surprising effects of ginger:

Ginger supports digestion
Ginger stimulates digestion by stimulating the production of the necessary enzymes. It also supports the absorption of important nutrients and prevents heartburn, flatulence and ulcers. A small amount of ginger every day can normalise and improve digestion.

Ginger helps with inflammation
Ginger is very effective in fighting inflammation of all kinds and even helps to relieve muscle or joint pain caused by arthritis, injury or ageing. The next time you have sore muscles or pain, a few drops essential ginger oil or add freshly grated ginger to the bath water after pouring hot water over it. This bath will also warm the body and help with colds and flu-like infections. Here expert Zsuzsanna Grogger explains how to prepare ginger tea to achieve the optimum effect and how ginger helps with flu and colds.

Ginger stops headaches
Ginger reduces the intensity and frequency of migraine attacks and helps with the nausea that occurs with migraines. At the first sign of nausea, eat a small amount of ginger, or drink it as a tea, or massage a little oil onto the pulse points.

Ginger relieves nausea
One of the main reasons for ginger's popularity is its ability to soothe the stomach. Whether it's travel sickness, nausea due to illness or surgery and during chemotherapy, and even morning or all-day nausea in pregnant women, ginger helps. On cruises, guests are offered ginger tea with honey in heavy seas, and even real sailors reach for ginger!

Ginger fights cancer
Ginger not only protects against free radicals but, as investigated and established in several studies, ginger can curb the growth of colorectal cancer cells and kill cancer cells on the ovaries.

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