Superfood Spotlight: Cocoa - food of the gods

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Cocoa - a superfood, and even a medicinal superfood? Yes! Raw, unprocessed cocoa is a remarkably nourishing food that is healthy and also provides the well-known chocolate happiness:

The story Cacao Theobroma means "food of the gods" and as such has always had a special place in many cultures. According to tradition, the Mexican Olmecs were the first to use cocoa over 4000 years ago for its healing and energising effects. The Mayan and Aztec cultures used cocoa for shamanistic rituals and the word "chocolate" is derived from the Aztec term "xocolatl", which means "bitter water".
This is how valuable cocoa is: until 1887, cocoa beans were used as a unit of payment in Mexico City!

The positive effect of raw cocoa Raw cacao is one of the most nutrient-rich and complex superfoods and has even been labelled a medicinal superfood. It contains over 1,200 active components and a whopping 10% of the dry matter are antioxidants. This means that cocoa has more antioxidants than goji berries, açai berries, blueberries, pomegranate and red wine combined!

The fact that cocoa can cause a kind of "high" is not a myth, but true. This is due to the effect of the chemical compounds anandamide, theobromine, phenethylamine, magnesium and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO inhibitors) on the body and brain and feelings of happiness set in. The most remarkable effects of cocoa are those on brain function and well-being.

Raw cocoa increases tryptophan levels and thus serotonin, a neurotransmitter that releases mood-boosting endorphins. Antioxidant flavonoids promote healthy heart vessels and fight free radicals. Magnesium balances brain chemistry and sulphur strengthens nails, skin and hair. But the most important reason to try raw cocoa? It simply tastes heavenly!

Fun fact: Cocoa contains alkaloids and "toxins" to protect itself from its environment, but this protection is easily tolerated by humans.

Buy and enjoy When buying cocoa, you should make sure you buy raw cocoa and good quality. If you opt for organic quality, you can be sure that the cocoa beans are not contaminated with pesticides etc. Raw cocoa in powder or shredded form can be added to smoothies, salted sauces, salads, nuts, soups, desserts and simply enjoyed raw or with a spoonful of honey!

The Biomazing team loves raw cocoa as a superfood and beauty food! We either snack on raw Organic cocoa nibs pure or cook with it (e.g. this ingenious cake - UNBEDINGT try!), treat ourselves to the Superfood mix with açai and cocoa from the consistently sustainable company Flores Farm or, pssst, use cocoa as an aphrodisiac with the Sex Moon Dust in.
Sex Moon Dust not only has an aphrodisiac effect, it can also be turned into creativity during the day! And if you're in a hurry, you can use the Choco walnut brownie from the Swiss company Rhythm 108 with you at all times, even on the plane!

Cocoa for soft and even skin It goes without saying that real cocoa fans also rely on this miracle bean for their skincare, making their skin wonderfully soft and smooth! The Neroli Midnight Face Oil from Stark Skincare contains raw cocoa butter, and also in the wonderfully light and refreshing Body lotion with lemon and bergamot by Lucy Annabella nourishes the skin with cocoa butter. The nourishing Argan line from Safeas relies on the smoothing and nourishing effect of cocoa butter.
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