Stark Skincare Grapefruit Cleansing Balm - 1 product, many possibilities

strong skincare gf balm shea butter granules

As you know, I love my Stark products (I wouldn't recommend something I don't love myself, would I?). It looks like this balm is going to be a Stark bestseller: Stark Grapefruit Cleansing and Moisturising Balm is a delicious blend of coconut oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, camellia seed oil and almond oil, plus a good dose of glittering unicorn essences (i.e. essential oils, don't worry - no unicorns were harmed or used in the production), no joking aside: the product is just great!

But - contrary to what you might think - no, I don't have a huge amount of it at home (although I always feel like rolling around in it!). But: I use it every day, often several times, and in very different ways!Strong Skincare Grapefruit Balm

So, to continue on our multifunctional journey: This is indeed a cleansing and moisturising balm. But: the split personality of products often reveals more than you might think at first glance!

So, let's take a look at the Cleaning: If you do not know how to use a cleansing balm, then Have a quick look at my low-budget video here, where I make some really cool faces while I show you how I clean my face.

Other possible uses:

1. hair straightening in the scorching summer heat. 
The whole East Coast in the USA and Canada becomes a sweaty and humid heat pool in summer, and for weeks everyone walks around with a frizzy, sweaty mound of hair - yes, uuuhhh! A little of the balm on your hair (it can also be the leftovers in your hands if you've used the balm elsewhere) and you'll see - your incredibly frizzy mound of hair will calm down, smell good and look really good again! Attention: You have of course "forgotten" to wash your hair again (me too!).

2. Moisture everywhere. The ultimate insider tip: Your skin is your skin, all over your body! 
Ok, some areas are just more sensitive than others (under the eyes, above the eyes, ok, who am I talking to!? Sure, you know all this anyway!!!), but therefore any product you use on your face (which I'm sure is worth a few million!) is probably at least as good for your whole (billion worth) body!!! So go ahead and just use the balm everywhere you feel you need it! After all, a radiant and well-groomed face really doesn't go with elbows that you could use to write on a blackboard like chalk!

3. Moisturising mask! I love using my grapefruit balm as a moisturising mask. 
I apply it to my face and try to let my skin absorb as much of it as possible! Adri is a bit scared of me then (there really are more beautiful things than women with a shiny, oily face), and tries to stop my cat from licking the balm off my face! I mean, she's just trying to help me exfoliate my skin well - but, no, wow!

4. Make a new product out of it!
Just feel like a scientist - and create your own new product. Well, I don't want to give too much away just yet, but that's how I came up with the idea for a new product I'm currently working on. (yay!)
So: Mix equal parts of the moisturising mask with our GREEN TEA detox mask, apply the mixture to your face, massage it in and leave it to work for approx. 10-12 minutes. This will give you the therapeutic effect of the mask, the benefits of apple, green tea and lemon extracts, as well as the moisturising ingredients of the balm! Before you remove this magical mass, massage your skin again briefly to give it a little exfoliating effect! And then? Whoooooo! Beautiful skin overdose!

 Your Jess

*As you can see, I am assuming quite high values for your bodies! Do that yourself too! And make yourselves beautiful for today!

Here for more information on Stark Skincare GF Cleansing Balm.



The expert: Jessica LaFleur, founder of Stark Skincare

The clever and funny tree-hugger and wild child Jessica Lafleur is the founder of Stark Skincare. Her approach to plants, medicine and skincare is characterised by profound knowledge and strong intuition. The fact that all the products she develops are vegan, gluten-free, organic, fair trade and 100% biodegradable is also testament to Jessica's belief that we need to treat the earth gently and wisely. In her column, we learn about her world and always find out something new and exciting from the world of skincare.


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