Spotlight: Bioactive pea sprouts for new hair growth

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Bioactive pea sprouts? The green sprouts are a special ingredient in the PurePlenty hair care range that provides new, healthy hair growth for hair loss and thin hair. How does it work?

The power of the pea Pea sprouts contain many phytonutrients. These support the scalp and can trigger a new hair cycle. The little power sprouts can do this by stimulating proteins in the hair, the so-called cells of the dermal papilla. These proteins regulate the phases of the hair growth cycles and can therefore influence the growth phase of the hair.

The life of a hair The life of a hair is divided into three cycles: In the first phase of the cycle, the anagen phase, the hair grows. The second phase, the catagen phase, lasts around 3 weeks. During this phase, the hair follicles change, they can shrink and divide. In the last phase, the telogen phase, the old hair is replaced by new hair and falls out.

PurePlenty hair phases


It is therefore quite normal for hair to fall out in the third phase. Hair loss only becomes a problem when there is no longer enough hair in the first phase, i.e. not enough hair grows back, and more hair is in the third phase and falls out. The hair growth cycle can be disrupted by many causes, and stress, diet and environmental influences are just some of the possible causes. Genetic predisposition can also lead to hair loss.

The helper: Bioactive pea sprouts can normalise the cycle that has gone awry and thus ensure that more hair grows back than falls out. These results have even been proven: 75% of the test subjects noted denser hair growth in the anagen phase, and 85% of the test subjects noted having denser hair in the telogen phase as well.

It is particularly great that the PurePlenty series from Intelligent Nutrients pea sprouts are not cultivated outdoors, but in a greenhouse on the company's own farm in Wisconsin. This saves almost 4,000 litres of water per kilogram of pea sprouts harvested.


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