Skin Reset - balancing the skin with minimalism

skin reset title (1)

Years ago, my skin was my most vulnerable area: it was fiery red and hot every day, with deep inflammation that hurt all the way to my gums and lymph. Sometimes the pain was so severe that I could no longer chew or had pain in my throat or even my eyes from the inflammation.

What bad skin does to your self-confidence 

My self-confidence was at rock bottom, I tried to get my skin under control with increasingly aggressive products and applied as much make-up as I could. I was desperate and ashamed of myself. And most of all, I was angry at all the products, tricks and remedies I tried that didn't make my skin any better. Can you imagine me selling natural cosmetics and feeling even more ashamed? 

The despair was greater than any hope 

In a fit of rage and despair, one morning I simply decided to do nothing: no cleanser, no toner, no masks, no oils and moisturisers, just nothing. I was so disappointed and desperate that I could no longer see it all. 

From 100 to 0 - the start of the reset 

I just didn't do anything to the skin. I didn't even cleanse it with water, I just let it be. On the evening of the first day, everything was the same as before - just as bad, but no worse. On the second day, my skin started to tighten. I was still so "angry" that I thought "this is happening rightly". I was still so desperate that I just didn't do anything, and after a few days my skin started to change: the redness went down, the inflammation became less and less painful, and the complexion became much better. Three weeks later, my skin was better than it had been for a long time. 

The skin reset 

This Skin Reset has improved my skin from the ground up and made it healthier. I had to solve an underlying problem that was responsible for the inflammation separately, and yet my skin was better afterwards than it had been for a long time. Since then, I have been doing a skin reset every 3-4 months. Depending on what is possible, either for a few days or for 2 weeks. 

A skin reset helps the skin to regain its balance, regenerate itself and become more resilient. Sebum production and moisture levels are rebalanced. In short: the skin has the chance to recover and make itself healthy again. 

My tips for a skin reset: 

Mini reset: 3 days 

Day 1: Just let your skin be. Don't cleanse, don't care, don't apply make-up. 
Day 2: clean with water if necessary, allow to air dry
Day 3: like day 2 

Then slowly reintroduce skincare, adding one step to the routine every day. 

Maxi reset: 1 week 

Day 1: Just let your skin be. Don't cleanse, don't care, don't apply make-up.
Day 2: clean with water if necessary, allow to air dry
Day 3: like day 2
Day 4: like day 2 + 3
Day 5: as day 2, 3, and 4. If inflammation persists, spray the skin with a mixture of 25% organic apple cider vinegar and 75% water as needed. 
Day 6 and 7: Like day 5
Then slowly reintroduce skincare, adding one step to the routine every day. 

Super Skin Reset: 2 weeks or longer 

Day 1: Just let your skin be. Don't cleanse, don't care, don't apply make-up 
Day 2: like day 1
Day 3: clean with water if necessary, allow to air dry
Day 4: like day 3
Day 5: like day 3 + 4 
Day 6 - 9: as days 3 - 5. If inflammation persists, spray the skin with a mixture of 25% organic apple cider vinegar and 75% water as required. 
Day 10: Cleanse the skin with water as on the previous days and allow to air dry. In case of inflammation, continue to use apple cider vinegar with water as a toner. If the skin is dry, use a pure organic hydrolate instead (available here: EU Shop | CH Shop) and spray on after the skin has dried in the air. 
Day 11: Like day 10 
Day 12 - 14: If the skin feels comfortable, continue as day 10 + 11; if the skin is tight and dry, a pure oil can now be dabbed onto the dry areas. I personally use Lina Hanson Sensitive Serum (Available here: EU Shop | CH Shop)
From day 15 - or depending on how long you do the Super Skin Reset - slowly reintroduce the skincare, e.g. like this: 
Day 15 + 16: Make-up can be worn again, therefore cleansing with a cleansing product is necessary; cleansing with a Konjac Sponge is ideal (available here): EU Shop | CH Shop)
Day 17 - 19: The usual/preferred skincare can be used again. It is ideal to continue using the oil from day 12 - 14, such as the Lina Hanson Sensitive Serum. 
Day 20: Use eye care and serum again. 

My recommendations for the restart 

Just like after a fasting cure, you shouldn't start using a full load of products all at once after the Skin Reset, and it is also the ideal time to reconsider all the products you are using. The skin is then particularly receptive and also reacts well, and you will also realise that you may even be able to skip some skincare steps completely! 

Personally, I always start afresh with these products: 

CleaningA pure carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut oil and the konnìaku Konjac Sponge in the Pure Konjac variety (available here): EU Shop | CH Shop).

Oil/maintenance: As this step has the greatest impact on the skin, I place the highest value on this step. Here I use Lina Hanson Global Sensitive Serum (available here: EU Shop | CH Shop). It is ideal for very sensitive, reddened and blemish-prone skin. The Sensitive Serum is also ideal for eczema and rosacea. Alternatives are Pai BioRegenerate Rosehip Oil (available here: EU Shop | CH Shop), for skin prone to scars and pigmentation disorders. For very dry and mature skin, the Soapwalla Restorative Face Serum (available here: EU Shop | CH Shop) ideal. 

Toner Here you can rely on pure hydrolates, such as those from Safeas (available here: EU Shop | CH Shop). If you're looking for "something more", you'll find it in the Whamisa toners: minimally liquid-gel-like in texture and extremely moisturising! Eye careand that little bit extra Lina Hanson Global Treasures Balm (Available here: EU Shop | CH Shop) not only smells beguilingly of cocoa and coffee, it has also been specially developed for the sensitive eye and neck areas, where it has a firming, wrinkle-filling and intensively nourishing effect. Global Treasures is also highly effective as an intensive face balm!

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