Safeas - Love at second sight


Our colleague Rosa has been with Biomazing since September, working on the creative side and dealing with lots of customer enquiries. She soon discovered her love for Safeas and writes honestly here about the ups and downs of the brand.

"Natural cosmetics are expensive. At least more expensive than drugstore products. As a poor student, you don't usually think twice about whether you can spend 30 euros on a mask or not. You simply use the money for something else. That's how it's always been for me. Luckily, I also have uncomplicated skin most of the time, so I don't have to apply cream and grease, it's enough to kill the pimples that pop up quite often from time to time. And yes, pimples are awful, so I would spend a bit more money on them, I've tried lots of products: Pimple creams, masks, creams...but to be honest, nothing really works against pimples.

... at least that's what I thought until I came across Safeas. Since I started working at Biomazing, I have always been very sceptical about trying a natural product and am usually very pleasantly surprised. This was not the case with Safeas. I wasn't surprised, I wasn't favourably impressed, I WAS SURPRISED BY ALL THE SOKS. I was blown away when I started wearing the Honey regeneration mask twice a week. Immediately after use, red spots and skin irritation have completely disappeared. When I'm stressed or realise I'm having a day with lots of little spots, I use the Ghassoul cleansing mask and the next day my skin is clear. Pure. Beautiful. And that's no exaggeration.


I'm always a bit sceptical about recommending products that I don't fully support, so I just don't do it. But I simply believe in Safeas. The Safeas masks last me a good quarter (I use each one about twice a week), which means I spend 8 euros a month on the ghassoul mask and 13 euros on the honey mask. That's easy to do even on my limited budget. The service you get for this price is simply phenomenal.

Amongst all the dazzling packaging and marketing promises of other brands, I almost didn't notice Safeas at first glance. The packaging is classic and uncomplicated, but also easy and practical to use. In the meantime, I have also tested the other masks, but for my skin needs, nothing beats the honey and ghassoul masks. I just love them both and would probably marry them if you could have a marriage to a product."


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