Punch recipes for healthy enjoyment

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Every year, Advent markets entice us with hot, wonderfully fragrant punch and mulled wine. Unfortunately, however, these delicious hot drinks are often not only the purest sugar sin, but are also laced with colourings, flavourings, chemical additives and aromas. In combination with poor quality alcohol, an evening of punch often leaves a bad aftertaste - headache and stomach problems included. But punch doesn't have to be unhealthy:

Lemons, oranges, cinnamon and tea are healthy and the little shot of rum or wine can be really enjoyed with them. The trick is to choose the right ingredients - and the rest is easy!

Here are my three favourite recipes for punch and mulled wine - all tried and tested and found to be excellent by many thirsty throats. Headaches and guilty consciences were a thing of the past last year, in 2013 we are enjoying healthy homemade treats:

Organic apple-ginger punch (with or without alcohol)

Ingredients to 1 litre of water:
2 bags of apple or fruit tea
3 slices (approx. 0.5 cm) of fresh ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon cloves
500 ml apple juice
Apple pieces, honey, rum to taste

Bring the tea, ginger and cinnamon cloves to the boil with approx. 1 litre of water and leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes. Now add the apple juice and flavour with honey and rum. You can vary the ingredients and therefore the intensity of the apple, honey or rum as you wish.

Tip: Also tastes good in the child-friendly version without rum. Also delicious cold.

Organic berry punch - the classic

Ingredients to 1 litre of water:
2 bags of fruit tea
250 gr. Raspberries
250 g blackberries
500ml fresh orange juice
1 tbsp organic punch spice (e.g. from Sonnentor)
Honey and rum to taste

For this classic punch, we recommend soaking the berries in rum and honey 2-3 hours before preparation.
Bring the fruit tea to the boil with the punch spice and leave to infuse for approx. 5 mins. Then add the orange juice, mix in the berries and flavour again with honey and rum.

Conclusion: The evergreen among Christmas punch flavours - finally pure enjoyment without a guilty conscience!

Organic mulled wine

Ingredients for 1 litre of water:
500 ml red wine
500 ml orange juice
a handful of sultanas
1 tbsp organic mulled wine spice (e.g. from Sonnentor)
Orange slices, lemon slices and honey to taste
1 shot of schnapps or brandy

First prepare the mulled wine drink according to the instructions. Then mix in the sultanas, orange and lemon slices and bring to the boil again. Once the drink has cooled down a little (i.e. is no longer boiling hot), add the wine and orange juice, flavour with honey and reheat to the desired temperature. Add a dash of schnapps or brandy if necessary.

Conclusion: This is pure Christmas!

These simple and above all delicious recipes prove that headaches and sugar shock are not a must, as these effects are usually due to the poor quality of the ingredients. Homemade food is healthier, of higher quality and can be prepared in a completely personalised way. Real spices and organic juices or fruit make every punch and mulled wine a delight. Not to mention the wonderful aroma in the kitchen...

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