Lubricants, intimate care & co: intimate products under the magnifying glass

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Lubricant and intimate hygiene is a global business worth billions. Thousands of products are bought every year: by couples, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, women on the pill, for menopausal symptoms or as a nice extra. But stress and the use of sleeping pills and antidepressants can also have a strong impact on the body, and the use of intimate products and personal lubricants goes from being a pleasure to a necessity.

Unrecognised risk
However, it is not recommended to use just any product without hesitation. Many products do not declare their ingredients at all, either on the product or online. This makes it difficult for the consumer to make an informed decision. Especially in the case of products for the intimate area, it is important to know whether they contain irritants, preservatives and even hormonally active substances (e.g. oestrogen imitators). This is because the consequences can be allergic reactions, inflammation and, in the worst case, even lasting damage to health. Why? Because the intimate area is more sensitive than other areas: 

Mucous membranes as a sponge 
The delicate and permeable intimate tissue absorbs particularly well, as it does not penetrate the uppermost protective layer of skin, the stratum corneumand can absorb almost unchecked. The use of products containing silicone or methyl paraben can therefore have unpleasant consequences. For example, parabens can imitate oestrogen in the body and have been linked to breast cancer. They can also irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions. 

Glycerine is another ingredient that is often found in intimate hygiene products. However, glycerine is not entirely harmless in the intimate area. While glycerine can nourish and moisturise normal skin, it can dry out the mucous membranes and promote the development of fungi. Incidentally, in higher doses glycerine acts like a paraben and mimics oestrogen in the body. Glycerine is also hostile to sperm. But glycerine is not alone in this. 

Fertility can be impaired become
A number of studies have shown that lubricants can affect sperm in different ways. Even common personal lubricants can have just as harsh an effect as spermicides. Among other things, sperm can become infertile and the fertilisation of an egg impossible.  
The pH value of a lubricant can also influence fertility: While lubricants generally have very low pH values (usually much lower than 7 and often close to 4 or even lower), the pH value for optimal sperm movement and survival is between 7 and 8.5. 
The pH value of intimate products is also particularly important for healthy vaginal flora. A pH value that is often too alkaline disrupts the naturally acidic environment, making it more susceptible to inflammation and disease. 

The consistency of a lubricant can also impair sperm in their freedom of movement and they die before they reach the egg. The problem of osmolality in the case of an unfulfilled desire to have children is described in here a report. 

Fortunately, there are already manufacturers who are working on healthier and less harmful and irritating alternatives. One pioneer of healthy, irritant-free, petroleum-free, fragrance-free and synthetic-free intimate care is the British company Yes. Yes produces revolutionary organic lubricants that are now even recommended by health insurance companies, hospitals and doctors.

Yes changes the world from the inside out
Yes products are certified organic, hormone-free, allergen-free and free from any skin-irritating substances. They are based on purely plant-based formulations in food quality. The individual raw materials and the end product are certified organic. The mucous membranes are actively nourished and soothed, and the entire intimate area is moisturised. The absence of glycerine and other synthetic substances ensures a natural, non-slippery feeling. No odours, stains or residues are left behind.

Yes water-based 
Yes is water-based and contains cooling and moisturising organic aloe vera. The texture is light and gel-like, odourless and leaves no crumbs or stains. Water-based Yes is ideal for mild dryness, itching and irritated skin. Aloe vera is easily absorbed and moisturises. The water-based lubricant is vegan and can be used with condoms. 

Yes on an oil basis 
Oil-based Yes consists of natural organic oils and butters (sunflower, cocoa butter, shea butter, sweet almond) and intensively nourishes even highly irritated, painful and brittle tissue. The intensive plant butters protect and nourish the tissue at the same time. The texture in the cool bottle is buttery, but melts smoothly in the hand and on the skin to a liquid oil consistency. Oil-based Yes contains beeswax and is not suitable for use with condoms. 

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