Organic skin care for every budget

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We think it's great that more and more young people are thinking about what they buy and how what they buy affects the environment and their own exposure to toxins. That's why we often hear the question: "Can I switch to natural cosmetics on a micro-budget?"

Yes, of course! Here are a few tips:

1. one thing at a time
Of course, you are shocked when you realise for the first time that almost all the products in your bathroom contain toxic and carcinogenic substances. But that doesn't mean you have to throw everything away and buy new ones in one go. The rule of thumb is: products that you use frequently and|or stay on your skin for a long time should be replaced first. The rest can be replaced bit by bit.

2. the world of multitaskers
Just like nature itself, many natural cosmetic products are true all-rounders. The star among the multitaskers is coconut oil_ moisturiser, make-up remover, hair mask or highlighter, coconut oil is your best friend for all of these! But be careful: only buy organic products.

3. more value
Sometimes organic products cost more than conventional products. But you also get more in return. Instead of a jar of water and fillers, good natural cosmetic products consist of pure oils and plant butters. These have a more intensive effect and a jar lasts longer. As the products are more concentrated, you need smaller quantities to provide yourself with sufficient care.

4. self-made!
Cooking is trendy - so why not make great masks, scrubs and even homemade soaps in your own kitchen? There are no limits to your imagination, it's fun to try things out and you get to know your skin's needs and the ingredients better.



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