Microemulsion - How do I use Kypris products?

kypris article

At the beginning of the new year, a new, high-quality luxury brand was added to the Biomazing family: Kypris Beauty specialises in luxurious serums and dreamy beauty oils that are even more effective thanks to their very special application method: Microemulsion.


But what exactly is microemulsion? Microemulsion describes the mixing of the two products in the palm of your hand. Another famous example of emulsifying at home is homemade vinaigrette.

Emulsifying (=mixing) a serum with an oil-based beauty elixir creates a separate care product that can be customised to the skin type, is fresh to use and has a special effect. The reason for emulsifying Kypris products is as follows:

The water-based serums penetrate very well into the skin, but provide less care on the surface, which is the speciality of Beauty Elixirs. Only by combining these two effects in one product and according to the individual needs of the skin is it possible to achieve a skincare product that ideally cares for the deeper layers of the skin as well as the surface. 1 + 1 = more than 2!

Step 1: Depending on your skin type and current skin needs, select the desired ingredients and apply them drop by drop to the back or palm of your hand


Step 2: Now gently mix the different consistencies with your finger until the texture is homogeneous (even).
20151020_113343Photocredit: www.ediblefacial.com 

Step 3: Gently apply the emulsified texture to the face, neck and décolleté. It is absorbed particularly quickly and ideally does not leave an oily or unpleasant film on the skin.

Bonus: In principle, any oil can be emulsified with hydrolat, tonic or other water-based products. What is special about Kypris products, however, is that they have been specially designed and developed so that the effect and effectiveness of the ingredients is potentiated by the microemulsion. In this case, 1 plus 1 is more than 2!

Kypris at www.biomazing.ch / Kypris at www.biomazing.eu


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