Baking, bathing and vegan glitter - interview with Hendrike from PonyHütchen

hendrike ponyhütchen

PonyHütchen stands for natural, handmade, colourful - sometimes kitschy - but always extraordinary cosmetics from Switzerland. Whether pink bath bombs with glitter, handmade lip balm or eye shadow in the colours of the rainbow - all PonyHütchen products are lovingly made, assembled and packaged by hand. To mark the opening of the PonyHütchen shop, Biomazing interviewed Hendrike, manager and owner of the 1-Woman-Micro company. a

Asana Spotlight: Utkatasana - the chair

asana spotlight utkatasana the chair cover picture

Utkatasana, the chair, is not a simple, gentle asana like Vrksasana - the tree - but a direct, intense position. The name already gives this away: in Utkatasana, the yogi appears to be sitting in an imaginary chair - and the face often looks unhappily strained, as Utkatasana demands a lot of strength from the legs, back and ankles.

Beauty DIY: Rosemary conditioner for clear, shiny hair

beauty diy rosemary rinse

Rosemary is one of the best herbs for hair: hair growth is stimulated, excess sebum is balanced, dandruff is reduced and unpleasant itching is soothed. As rosemary cleanses the hair of impurities and product residues, it also helps to achieve clear, shiny hair. Rosemary conditioner is therefore an ideal, natural remedy for restoring lustre to limp and tired hair [...].

Superfood spotlight: Ginger for blooming health

superfood spotlight ginger cover picture

Ginger has been a well-known and popular ingredient in healthy cooking for a few years now. However, ginger is much more than just a tasty ingredient or an exotic spice: ginger is a well-known remedy for all kinds of problems. In Asian cultures, ginger has been incorporated into everyday life for thousands of years to make the most of its healing [...].

Tested: Wonderful baths from Dr Hauschka

bath oil dr hauschka

Tested: The new bath oils from Dr Hauschka in the flavours Almond, Rose Petal, Lemon Lemongrass and Moor Lavender Outstanding properties: Sustainably and fairly produced, Demeter quality, vegan, certified organic by NaTrue, bottled in reusable glass Just in time for the start of autumn, Dr. Hauschka presents its new bath oils and delights our noses and skin once again. The precious bath oils are presented in five glass bottles [...]

The Damask rose - medicinal plant of the year 2013

the daaszen rose cover picture

The mere sight of a sea of flowers can put us in a calm, inspired or happy mood. The scent, the colours and the image of the flowers trigger something in us humans. This effect can be utilised in a targeted way - if you know and learn to use the healing power of plants.

100% BIO - An impossible goal?

100% bio an impossible goal cover picture

Organic products and natural versions of conventional products are one of the biggest trends in recent years. Every supermarket offers products in organic and "natural" formulations. This variety is commendable, but even when shopping for your next breakfast, you start to realise: When is enough enough? Where do you draw the line, what is necessary, where does the [...]

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