Keep a cool head naturally - 5 tips

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Summer is just around the corner, and as much as we enjoy the hot temperatures, they should be enjoyed with caution. These tips will help you keep a cool head and a radiant appearance - to stay fit and motivated even in a subtropical climate!

Vienna had the hottest start to June ever recorded this year and it is also hot and windless in eastern Switzerland. Unaccustomed extreme temperatures put a lot of stress on the body and if you don't deal with them properly, you soon realise that your body is letting you down.

These tips will help you keep a cool head and enjoy the weather to the full:

Tip no. 1: Drink plenty of water!

At temperatures above 30 degrees, you should definitely drink 3 litres of water a day. As you sweat more than average in high temperatures and quickly get a hot head, a constant supply of water is essential. If you are dehydrated, you will quickly suffer from dizziness, nausea, headaches and tiredness. Therefore: it is better to prevent than to treat.

Tip no. 2: Cool down your pulse

In really hot temperatures, the blood vessels dilate and blood pressure drops. To avoid poor circulation or even a circulatory collapse, you should hold your pulse (important: both arms!) under cold water every hour. Even more often during sporting activities or in particularly hot environments.

This technique is particularly important in the office: by sitting for long periods and not moving much, you often don't realise how hot it gets over time and, in the worst case scenario, your circulation can collapse the next time you stand up.

Tip no. 3: Light food

At temperatures above 30 degrees, you should avoid meat and other hot foods. The term "hot" refers not only to the temperature, but also to the "thermal quality" of the food, which originates from traditional Chinese medicine. Thermal foods heat the body from the inside. This is good and important in winter, but not ideal in summer.
The following should therefore be avoided: hot spices, high-proof alcohol, meat and fried foods. Instead, salads, vegetables, cold soups and wholesome cereals, which provide the body with important energy, are in season.

Tip no. 4: Loose, light clothing made of linen or silk

Wouldn't it be great to go to work in a bikini or swimming trunks? Unfortunately this is not possible, and to stay cool and as dry as possible in summer you should avoid polyester, viscose and other synthetic fabrics. (Exception: polyamide, this fabric is perfect for sports) Silk and linen are ideal instead. Cotton is very comfortable to wear, but absorbs sweat and therefore sticks to the body quickly.

Tip: If you don't want to be stuck to your chair on the tram or in the office, you should avoid the mini skirt and opt for long, wide linen trousers instead. Because the tighter the clothing, the more heat builds up in between.

Tip no. 5: Peppermint tea and peppermint oil

Peppermint tea is an ideal helper against heat! Prepare peppermint tea, leave to cool and place in the fridge. Serve with ice cubes and lemon slices. Peppermint tea is ideal for combating hot flushes.

It is even healthier to drink the tea lukewarm, because then the body does not have to use any additional energy to heat the drink to body temperature. The nomads of the Sahara drink a lot of mint tea, as it has a very cooling effect.

Freshness tip: Add a few (!) drops of peppermint oil to the water for ice cubes. This gives the water a fresh mint flavour, while the essential oil cools the body.

Off into the sun! Right?

Everyone wants to get some sun now! Spending 20 minutes in the sun every day is ideal, as it allows the body to top up on important vitamin D. However, the sun and hot weather should always be treated with caution and sun protection is always important. The skin is the largest organ and is very active. The long-term damage caused by excessive UV radiation ranges from premature skin ageing to cancer. Therefore, always apply sun cream well and a small sun cream in your handbag takes up little space and helps us to still look dazzling even at 70!
If things do go wrong: Aloe Vera (e.g. Aloe Vera Hydro Repair Gel from Santaverde) cools and heals the skin if the sun was a little stronger than expected.


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