Interview with Max and Tanja from max and me

max and me elven oils magic oils interview

We love these two, and not just because of their heavenly body oils and, more recently, facial oils, which are carefully handcrafted in the max and me manufactory in Austria. In an in-depth interview with the founders of the elven oil brand max and me, we want to find out exactly what they mean: What does high vibrational actually mean and how do you choose the right oil for you?

Biomazing: What was your inspiration for max and me? 

TanjaOur love was and is the most beautiful inspiration, to create something out of the beauty of our relationship was our desire...

Max... something that corresponds to our talents, experiences, the holistic way of life and our path of energetic healing. We want to invite people to look beyond the obvious and recognise the beauty in the fact that we are all energetic beings who are at home in both the physical and subtle worlds. When these two aspects of our lives are united, true beauty can emerge and shine on the skin.

Biomazing: What makes max and me so special? 

MaxWith "max and me" we have created a natural cosmetics range that works on all levels of your being. Far beyond the external appearance ...

Tanja... the subtle body (aura) and the energy centres (chakras) are also made to radiate. This gives access to creative power, subtle intuition and pure joie de vivre.

MaxWe look at plants holistically, we see their organic quality, their wonderful skin-beautifying properties, their aromatherapeutic abilities and - this is very special - their magical history, their energy. And so we blend our oils according to energetic aromatherapy.


Biomazing: What do you mean by "high-vibration oils"?

Tanja:. When a plant grows and blossoms in the right place at the right time and is tended by a farmer with love and passion, then harvested and distilled at exactly the right time, the essential oil is highly vibrant. The plant has been able to develop to its full radiant beauty and unfold its full potential.

Max: The beauty of it is that anything that vibrates highly, such as our oils, can raise the vibration of others and thus give them better access to intuition, creativity and joie de vivre.


Biomazing: Do you have any tips for choosing the right max and me oil or for using it? What should I pay particular attention to, how do I proceed correctly? 

Max: It is a great pleasure to choose the max and me body oil after a small, magical ritual: Simply look at the bottles side by side and intuitively choose a max and me body oil, even before you have read any information about the individual properties of the oils. max and me body oils are particularly high vibrational. This means that people intuitively feel which oil is particularly good for them.

This ritual also works online, just with the pictures of the bottles, because the illustrations of the individual oils have already absorbed the vibrations of the oils and so you can also make the selection according to the pure illustrations.

If this is too unusual for you, you can of course also go by the skin functions of the oils and be surprised by their energising effect.

Tanja: When using body oils, it is important that they are always applied to damp skin. We also encourage you to combine small rituals with the application. It is best to rub the body oil between your palms first, hold your hands over your mouth and nose and breathe in deeply (count to 7 and breathe in, then count to 7 and breathe out) and repeat this as often as it feels right. You can also speak or sing mantras - sounds are healing on a deep level. This conscious practice helps you to get back into your own rhythm, relaxation and intuition.

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