Expert interview: Interview with Jess, founder of Stark Skincare

jessica lafleur stark skincare interview biomazing

Jessica LaFleur, the founder of the now cult skincare brand Stark Skincare, has cast a spell over us. Clever, beautiful, philosophical, educated, funny and a mixture of tree-hugger and wild child. In this interview, we asked her questions to get to the bottom of the "Jess" phenomenon.

Biomazing: Dear Jess, thank you for taking the time to talk to us! First of all, we would like to know what your background is and what you did before you started Stark Skincare? 

Jess: I've done all sorts of things! I've studied liberal arts, herbalism, fashion merchandising, anthropology, environmental engineering, worked in the natural beauty industry, in various positions in sales, marketing, branding, purchasing - and everywhere in between. I spent most of my 20s pursuing different studies, jobs and interests.




Biomazing: What was your inspiration for creating your own skincare line?

Jess: My husband inspired me to do this. I wasn't happy with my last job, a job I wanted to convince myself was "the" job of my life and career. He asked me what I would rather do, rather than anything else, and I replied like a shot "lip balm!". He thought it was a joke! When he realised I was serious, he encouraged me to write as a freelancer and slowly plan my business. In less than 2 years, I was able to launch the version of Stark that you know now.

Biomazing: What does the word "strong" in the name of your skincare range stand for?

Jess: I love this word. I like the way it sounds, so blunt and unexpected, and it conveys an image of something that is what it is, nothing more and nothing less. Simple, pure, direct, it could also have a negative component, as something too sharp and you use it to compare things with each other. That's how I see natural cosmetics compared to conventional cosmetics - there's a "strong" contrast between the two.

Biomazing: How long did it take until you were able to hold your first finished product in your hands?

Jess: About 2 years. The 4 products that are part of my Debut line embody formulas and textures that I have been using myself for many years. (Editor's note: The Debut line has since been expanded to include a lip care product and a body oil)

Biomazing: How was this trip, what were the best and worst moments?

Jess: The trip taught me that time is more valuable than money. My husband had to teach me what I should invest my money in and what I should spend my time on, what I had to do myself and what work I could hand over. Sounds simple, but it's really hard!
The best moments were when I was able to enjoy my freedom. I could sleep when I wasn't feeling well, work for 16 hours straight when I felt like it, go for a nice walk when I felt like it and simply work and live at my own pace.

Biomazing: What inspires you?

Jess: It sounds cheesy, but love inspires me! People and even things change through love and it turns everything into gold. That's the case in my relationship and also with my products: It's better when you can feel the love in it, when it's tangible.

Biomazing: What makes Stark Skincare so special and different?

Jess: The attitude. We don't always take ourselves too seriously. We're a company that likes to laugh, is irreverent and easy to get on with. Also, Stark is super-obsessive about being natural, but we're not flower power, treehuggers and dancers in the meadow. Stark is for people who live in the city. Real people.

Biomazing: What do you think of the current shift in the beauty industry towards green and natural products?

Jess: I think it's great what's happening in make-up right now! There are so many great and luxurious natural products that work even better than conventional cosmetics. It's a great trend and this should be the norm.

Biomazing: Tell us something about yourself! What characterises you, what makes you Jess?

Jess: Oh, I'm a wild one! I love making jokes and being cynical or sarcastic, but on the other hand I'm also very sensitive. Animal welfare adverts sometimes make me cry, I talk to every cat on the street and I always, always stop to smell flowers. Hm, I guess I'm a free spirit with a dash of boddy control freak, and it's that mix that helps me run my business.


Jessica LaFleur Stark Skincare Interview with Biomazing


Biomazing: What does your typical working day look like?

Jess: I'm usually at my computer at 9am. I drink coffee before I communicate with anyone! In the morning, I do my emails, pack deliveries, complete tasks and check Facebook and Twitter. Around lunchtime I move on to the bigger tasks, preparing new products, writing, researching or planning my next project. In the early afternoon, I usually go out to run errands or simply to enjoy the time. In the evening, I spend a few more hours at the computer or in my lab.

Biomazing: How do you relax?

Jess: Yoga is essential for me and I start every day with it. I go for walks to meditate, cuddle with my two Siamese cats, spend time with my husband or cook something new or interesting. I also love reading, and I'm currently on a novel kick!

Biomazing: Which 5 things can you not live without?

Jess: My eyelash curler, my Vapour Aura Rouge, my homemade perfumes that I make just for myself, all my Stark products (especially the CY Purity + Defense Oil) and normal extra virgin olive oil!

Biomazing: Any tips on your products, their application...?

Jess: There are a few misconceptions when switching from conventional products to natural cosmetics:

1. You can't use them "wrong"! Natural cosmetics, including Stark, can be used in many different ways. For example, the Grapefruit Cleanse + Hydrate balm heals the nail bed, is good for frizzy hair and can even be used to cleanse the skin! Our TE Green Tea Detox Mask can be used as a scrub or as a mask, and I even use it on my scalp! The WB White Willow Bark Perfecting Tonic can be used as a normal tonic or to set mineral make-up.

2. You only need to use a very small amount. Stark products are VERY concentrated, especially because they do not contain water. A small amount is enough!

3. Listen to your skin. If something isn't working so well for you, take a little less of one and a little more of the other. It's important to trust yourself, take good care of your body and listen to what it's trying to tell you. Skin care products are only ever a secondary measure to solve skin problems.

Thank you very much, Jess!


Parts of this article were first published on the predecessor of Biomazing.
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