Interview with green make-up artist and expert Sarah Semrau

sarah semrau

Sarah Semrau is a beauty professional: she has been working as a professional make-up artist in Switzerland for almost 10 years and can be found on editorial shoots, fashion shows and TV and video shoots. A while ago, the Swiss woman finally discovered her passion for natural, organic and vegan products

- and realised her idea in no time at all, opening a shop for organic make-up and skincare products in Zurich's Kreis 6 district a few months ago. This little gem at Rotbuchstrasse 16 bears the fitting title "Pretty & Pure".

You have completed your training as a make-up artist and now work as a make-up artist in Zurich and the surrounding area. What prompted you to switch to a conscious and sustainable way of living and working that is based on organic products?

Sarah: Fortunately, I grew up in a household that already placed a lot of emphasis on healthy, mostly vegetarian food, sustainable and restrained consumption and alternative healing methods. Therefore, no extreme change or wake-up moment was necessary for me. It was much more of a natural process.
However, the book "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safran Foer shook me up on the subject of factory farming and the waste of resources. I can warmly recommend this book to everyone. For me, it was logical that I couldn't ignore my ethics and my sense of values when practising my profession.

: What made you decide to open your own small shop "Pretty & Pure - The Organic Make-up Shop" in Zurich?

Sarah: As a result of the change in my life, I felt the need to make those around me aware of this issue and help them make the switch. In order for more people to consume more consciously, there also needs to be corresponding offers on the market. So the little beauty boutique with make-up service that I had been dreaming of for some time finally took shape.

Which are your favourite vegan brands? And do you use these products yourself

Sarah: The Australian brand INIKA has the greatest Liquid make-up, Soapwalla the best deodorant and soaps that simply smell delicious. I also love the American hair care and styling range from Yarok. Of course, all these favourites can also be found in my bathroom.

: You probably hear this question a lot, but we're still curious: What's the one make-up trick every woman should know?

Sarah: It's difficult for me to limit myself to just one, as there are some very helpful techniques. For tired and pale skin, a concealer that conceals dark circles under the eyes and a properly applied blusher in a soft apricot or rosé shade will instantly give you a fresh complexion.

: How do you see the connection between vegan and organic products? Is it important to you that a product is not only vegan but also organic?

Sarah: A vegan product doesn't necessarily have to be organic and vice versa. Nevertheless, I do see a connection, because more and more organic cosmetics are also offering completely vegan products. These are usually labelled with the vegan flower.
If you don't want to harm animals, you should also pay attention to the environment in general, because animal suffering can also be caused by water pollution, for example. It is therefore also important to me that no environmentally harmful chemicals and pesticides are used in the production of my beauty products. You also don't want to apply these toxic substances to your body in the knowledge that they are absorbed into the bloodstream and can cause long-term damage.

: What is the biggest difference between conventional and organic make-up that you notice?

Sarah: Because the ingredients are purer, there are hardly any allergic reactions and the rich oils and plant extracts nourish the skin gently and at the same time more effectively than any conventional product ever could. Even organic decorative cosmetics such as foundation or mascara have nourishing properties and therefore offer more than just coverage and colour. It is a new generation of luxury cosmetics. 

You offer great services at Pretty & Pure: Make-up service, but also coaching on "Detox your beauty case". Tell us about it!

Sarah: In addition to beauty services such as vintage make-up, natural beauty make-up etc., I also offer personal make-up workshops. Here, in a relaxed atmosphere, my customers learn how to apply day make-up tailored to them, how to conjure up perfect smokey eyes, which products are suitable for this, how they can optically correct their face shape or which colours make their eyes shine.

In the "Detox your Beautycase" seminar, we go through the most common cosmetic products such as deodorant, shower gel and lip balm and their harmful ingredients step by step. The contents of your own beauty case will be discussed and the customer will learn what to look out for in future purchases, what alternatives there are and where to get them.

Biomazing: We can now officially announce it here: You will be available as an expert for Biomazing and will be available to our readers with tips and tricks as well as for questions. We are really looking forward to it! What is it that you particularly like about Biomazing?

Sarah: I particularly like the criteria according to which the products are selected, the interesting articles in the magazine and the option to filter the range according to vegan products.


You can find the Pretty & Pure website hereSarah's portfolio as a make-up artist here.
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