Interview: Safea's founder Daniela Kandrova on skincare, high-tech and innovation


Daniela Kandrova, the founder of Safeas Organic Beaut is a unique woman who is completely absorbed in her profession. She talks to Biomazing about her passion for natural cosmetics.

Biomazing: Thank you for taking the time for this interview, Mrs Kandrova. You are the founder of one of our favourite natural cosmetics brands Safeas. How did you come up with the idea of founding a natural cosmetics company?

Daniela Kandrova: Natural care has been a way of life for me since my childhood and has been passed down from generation to generation in my family. Whilst travelling through the Mediterranean region, I was fascinated by the people there. I was fascinated by their friendliness, but also by their natural good looks, which they look after with completely natural products. The women there have healthy skin and very beautiful hair well into old age. This trip brought back memories of my childhood - and awakened my passion for natural beauty care.

Biomazing: Have you always wanted to follow this path or did you decide on something else beforehand?

Daniela Kandrova: Not at all! I had actually planned my life differently. After my business studies, I started a doctorate. But then came this journey and my passion for natural cosmetics was rekindled.


Biomazing: What is the best thing about running a natural cosmetics company?

Daniela Kandrova: The best thing is being able to be yourself and realise your own ideas and convictions. You have the opportunity to share all the good and healthy things you have discovered for yourself with the world. Nature already offers all the health products and solutions to alleviate all skin problems. At the same time, I want to do something good for nature and our planet through sustainable management! Because we need nature and it can also use us.


Biomazing: What criteria do you use to select the ingredients for your products?

Daniela Kandrova: Our high quality standards prioritise, among other things, the organic origin, purity and ecological sustainability of the raw materials, the effectiveness of the raw materials and, last but not least, excellent skin compatibility. It goes without saying that the ingredients must also be free from animal testing.

Biomazing: Very rare and special oils such as kukui oil or prickly pear seed oil are used in Safeas products. How do you find these rare oils?

Daniela Kandrova: Some medicinal plants and oils we find after years of research, others, especially tried and tested traditional remedies, we discover spontaneously and usually while travelling in faraway countries. When we discover a new interesting medicinal plant or a new oil, we first want to understand what ingredients make up this plant and how we can best utilise these properties for our products. This is because a full understanding of the plants plays a very important role in product development.

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Biomazing: How does the product manufacturing process work? Why don't you explain to us what happens from the product idea to the actual sale?

Daniela Kandrova: The development of a new product goes through several stages, which can take several years. At each stage of the development and manufacture of our products, the entire team is involved across all departments. A new product starts with an idea. As soon as the product function, the desired product properties and packaging have been defined and the legal requirements have been checked, our laboratory starts developing the formulation. Over 100 tests are carried out before an effective formulation is finalised. External experts such as independent institutes, dermatologists and other research organisations are also involved in the development process in order to extensively test the product's effectiveness and tolerability. All Safeas products are developed and produced at our own sand site in Munich. The manufacturing process is carried out in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice. Our manufacturing methods are based on the symbiosis of careful manual labour with the latest technologies. This is because the gentle manufacturing process also determines the effect of the product. We only use vegetable raw materials of natural origin, predominantly from controlled organic cultivation or organic wild harvesting. All our plant oils are native and come from organic cultivation and the fragrance compositions consist of 100 % naturally pure, essential oils (no synthetic perfumes).

The entire range is produced without parabens, silicones, petroleum derivatives, chemical-synthetic fragrances, colourings and preservatives as well as animal ingredients - with the exception of honey and beeswax in a few products. No animal testing is carried out during development or production.


Biomazing: What makes Safeas stand out from other brands? What makes Safeas special?

Daniela Kandrova: Safeas has an extremely demanding philosophy of authenticity, purity and health, from the selection of raw materials, through the extraction and manufacturing processes, to the holistic care programme. Our principle is "less is more". It is not the quantity of ingredients that determines the quality of a product, but the quality and purity of the raw materials used, the interaction of the various ingredients and the careful processing in the overall composition. Because only an optimal combination of active plant ingredients can develop synergetic effects.

Biomazing: What is the focus of Safeas products? What is the most important thing?

Daniela Kandrova: The focus is on high product quality, the effectiveness of the products and good skin compatibility. We endeavour to offer customised holistic skin care for the individual requirements of all skin types and conditions. We do not regard the skin as an isolated organ, but as a reflection of the inner self. It reflects our physical and mental state. In order for the skin to remain healthy, the various needs of the entire body must be considered and kept in a harmonious balance.

Our holistic skincare concept focusses on the skin's own individual rhythm and thus specifically addresses the different needs of the skin. This stimulates the skin's own functions and promotes natural health and well-being in the long term.


Biomazing: Why is it important to you that the products are natural and organic?

Daniela Kandrova: Natural plants from organic cultivation or organic wild harvesting are free from pesticide residues and have a higher proportion of vital active ingredients. The best results for the skin can be achieved with this full potency. We utilise this biological power to stimulate the skin's vital forces and promote its healthy balance.

Organic farming also promotes sustainability and is associated with a number of positive environmental aspects. It is a process of fair give and take.


Biomazing: What is your personal relationship to the plants, oils and active ingredients?

Daniela Kandrova: We source many of our plants directly from local farmers, smallholders or cooperatives in the growing regions and maintain strong partnerships with them. This enables us to ensure compliance with our high quality standards and make a direct social commitment.

 Biomazing: Thank you very much for this lovely interview, Mrs Kandrova. We are really looking forward to the second part with her personal beauty routine.

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