Interview: Franziska from Veggie Love and her love of local superfoods

franziska schmid veggie love

Franziska Schmid lives and works in Berlin. Her blog "Veggie Love"Franziska doesn't like to give up indulgence and lives a vegan lifestyle. Her new book "Local Superfoods" is the second she has written. Biomazing interviewed the blogger and author about local superfoods.

Biomazing: Right at the beginning we would like to know how you came to write a book about local superfoods?

Franziska: I can almost say that one book led to another. Because when my first book "7 days green" about smoothies was published in early 2014, I was repeatedly asked how useful it is to use exotic superfoods such as chia, matcha or acai in smoothies. At the time, I hadn't included any superfoods other than leafy greens in the book and was curious to see what other local superfoods there might be. And lo and behold: lots of them. From raspberries and blueberries to kale and wild herbs, there are numerous foods right on our doorstep that are bursting with nutrients.

Biomazing: What are your personal favourites among the local superfoods?

Franziska: Kale is definitely one of my favourites at the moment. Its season has just started and the curly leaves are available until March. It contains so many vitamins, nutrients and minerals that it gets us through the winter.

Biomazing: Superfoods often have a reputation for being expensive. Can you recommend local superfoods that can be bought sustainably and on any budget?

Franziska: Seasonal and regional shopping is always recommended, especially at the weekly market. At the end of the book, we have also organised all the recipes by season, so that seasonal cooking is easier.

Biomazing: Your first book is about smoothies and raw food. Why don't you tell us the ingredients that you think should definitely be in a smoothie?
Franziska: During the research for "7 days green" I learnt that there is also a purity rule for smoothies: According to this rule, leafy greens, ripe fruit and water go into the blender.

Biomazing: What tricks do you use to spice up your smoothies?
Franziska: I usually add a little matcha powder in the morning, which wakes you up more gently than coffee. I also really like coconut water instead of water, which makes a very green smoothie a little sweeter when in doubt.

Biomazing: Why do you think there is such a great need for superfoods and smoothies? Where does this trend come from?
Franziska: In recent years, numerous diets have become popular and #glutenfree, #cleaneating, #lowcarb, #paleo, or #offsugar are hard to miss on Instagram. The desire for a healthy diet seems to be greater than ever. The term superfoods may be new, but not what it actually means: foods that contain a particularly high density of nutrients.

Biomazing: What do you think about importing superfoods from the most exotic places?
Franziska: I think a regional and seasonal diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and unprocessed foods makes sense. But I have to say straight away that the book also contains a very small amount of superfoods that are now available all year round - such as avocado and nuts.

Biomazing: You eat a vegan diet, do you do this in all areas of your life?
Franziska: I've been vegan for almost eight years. I started in the kitchen, followed quite quickly by the bathroom and wardrobe.

Biomazing: We have a VEGAN section at Biomazing where you can find all our vegan products. What are your vegan skincare favourites?
Franziska: I've been a big fan of the vegan brand i+m Naturkosmetik for many years. They have been around for over 30 years and have focussed on the effects of plant-based ingredients right from the start.

When it comes to nail polish, I always go for Intensae, the polishes are 5free, vegan and cruelty-free. The red shades are unbeatable and I always get compliments when I use the Assam pink polish.

I love body creams and oils that Products from Ila Spa smell wonderful and provide great care.

Last but not least, a good red lipstick is a must: Lush has two beautiful shades of red that always match and last a long time.

Biomazing: You are very committed to sustainability. What tips and tricks do you use to make your everyday life more sustainable?
Franziska: For example, I always have a cloth bag in my handbag so that I never have to reach for a plastic bag when shopping. Or I always have a bottle of Soulbottles with me when I'm travelling - it's much better than constantly buying plastic bottles.

Biomazing: Did you always know that you wanted to become an author and blogger?
Franziska: I've always had an affinity for language and communication. Everything else has developed. I studied business administration and then worked as a communications consultant in PR and social media. In my circle of friends, I always knew the cool shops, nice cafés and good brands - when I went vegan, Veggie Love simply expanded my circle of friends with whom I shared my discoveries.

Biomazing: Author, blogger, private person, you must be very busy! What do you sometimes wish you had a little more time for?
Franziska: I would like to have more space for creative leisure.

Biomazing: If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
Franziska: Funny. Determined. Loyal.

Biomazing: You must be travelling a lot for your job. What is your favourite destination and do you have a favourite place there?
Franziska: I love water, after all I grew up on Lake Constance. Fortunately, it's not far from Berlin to the Baltic Sea, so I always enjoy travelling there for a weekend away from the hustle and bustle of the big city. I was only recently back in Paris - a city that always casts a spell over me. One of my favourite restaurants there is Soya.

Book cover Local Superfoods


The book on the subject has been published by Trias Verlag. Franziska Schmid:

Local Superfoods. 14.99 €
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