Glossary: How do flower essences work?

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A beautiful bouquet of flowers can change a room and the mood, as can the fragrance that the bouquet exudes. Essential oils can influence well-being by entering the body via the respiratory tract or the skin. Flowers therefore have an effect on the body both visually and through their fragrance. But how does this work with the so-called "flower essences"?


  1. The production of flower essences
  2. How do you take flower essences?
  3. How do flower essences work?
  4. Are flower essences safe? Who can take them?
  5. Tried and tested mixtures that work from lotus white

The production of flower essences

There are different methods for producing flower essences, but there are basic principles that underlie all methods: The flowers or required plant parts are picked at a specific time and placed in a bowl of water. The flowers remain in the water until the plant-specific information has been transferred to the water*. The water is either placed in the sun or boiled. The flowers are then removed and the essence is preserved with alcohol, for example brandy.

How do you take flower essences? 

Flower essences are colourless, tasteless and odourless and are said to be most effective when taken sublingually - i.e. under the tongue. Flower essences are also used on the body.

This method was developed in the 1930s by the English doctor Edward Bach, whose flower essences - above all the well-known "Rescue or emergency drops" - are still popular and are available in almost every pharmacy. Bach's Rescue mixture of five flower essences is one of the most popular remedies for (emotional) stress.

How do flower essences work?

Herbal tinctures act on our body through oral ingestion or physical contact with the skin and solve physical problems. They have an effect on the body.

Essential oils, on the other hand, penetrate the body via the respiratory tract and mucous membranes and act directly on the lymbic system. They can have a noticeable effect on mood. For example, citrus oils brighten the mood or lavender oil has a calming and balancing effect. The effect of essential oils (among other things) on the mood and its mode of action is Scientifically proven.

Flower essences will the Power attributed on the soul, the mind and therefore on our Feelings influence. Many people who feel under emotional stress, when children are upset and crying or in situations of grief and anger, turn to Bach's famous Rescue Drops or to flower essences from other manufacturers. Katie Hess, founder of Lotuswei, which produces a variety of famous and rare flower essences, explains how flower essences work: "Flower essences have a direct effect on the emotions through the acupuncture meridians."

Although their effect not yet scientifically proven flower essences are very popular. The difficulty for the application in practice is to choose the right essence(s) in order to actually feel an effect. Naturopaths and TCM specialists can help to find the right blend. Some manufacturers, such as Lotuswei, produce ready-made blends that are said to be most effective in practice for certain moods. 

Are flower essences safe? Who can take them? 

Flower essences are safe and are also recommended for use for babies, during pregnancy and as a supplement to existing treatment. Flower essences do not interact with medication and can therefore be used and enjoyed without hesitation.

However, caution should be exercised if you have to strictly avoid alcohol, even in the smallest doses, as flower essences are preserved with alcohol. In this case, the essence should only be applied to the skin. Some essences are also mixed with honey, in which case children should be over the age of one. 


20 years of experience: 
Tried and tested Mixtures the effect of lotus white

We tried out a few different manufacturers during our research. Our favourite is Lotus Wei. And there are many reasons for this:

Katie Hess is a "flower alchemist" and has been working professionally with flower essences, herbs and tinctures, aromatherapy and related disciplines for many years. If you ask her why she has dedicated her life to flowers, her answer is clear: "Because they work!". She draws this from 20 years of experience with flower essences. Katie Hess produces her own blends and oils, and has thus gained famous customers and clients. Fans like Barack Obama and Oprah here.

Under the resounding name Lotus white (available here: EU Shop | CH Shop) Katie Hess develops flower essences, aromatherapy sprays, perfume oils and care oils to help with certain moods.

"Radiant Energy" (EU Shop|CH Shop) strengthens and revitalises after exhausting efforts.

"Quiet Mind" (EU Shop|CH Shop) helps to release tension and find inner peace again.

"Joy Juice" (EU Shop|CH Shop) awakens the child in you and helps you to enjoy life a little less seriously and with more fun.

Depending on whether you want to give yourself a jolt, fancy a nice room fragrance or are looking for a really great and unusual organic perfume, many happy Lotus Wei fans repeatedly report the effect of the flower essences.

*In his well-known work "The Message of Water", Masaru Emoto illustrated how the structure of water changes after it has come into contact with various substances and information.

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