Global Beauty Universe - An interview with Lina Hanson


We at Biomazing consider ourselves very lucky to be able to work with many great brand partners. A very special partner for us is Lina Hanson: The natural cosmetics expert and make-up artist for Hollywood's A-List is committed to Global Beauty and thus to setting a new standard in the beauty industry. Biomazing interviewed Lina Hanson:

Biomazing: First of all, congratulations on the great news, Lina! The new design looks really great and the new products are great. What encouraged you to make these changes?

Lina Hanson: Thank you very much. I have always had a very clear vision for Lina Hanson and with the expansion of our Global Beauty Collection we wanted to better illustrate this vision. A new look was an important step. We wanted our brand to represent what we stand for as people and what our skincare line is all about - being down to earth, pure and colourful.


Biomazing: What does Global Beauty stand for? What do you want to say to your customers?

Lina Hanson: Global Beauty is an all-encompassing approach to beauty. It is much more than external beauty and care. It's about feeling completely comfortable in your own skin, accepting who you really are, regardless of age, body or skin colour. From the beginning, it was very important to me to spread this message. I think that for too long we have been told that we are not enough as we are, or that we are worth less, that we have to hide and cover up our supposed flaws.

I wanted our products to be about celebrating the beautiful skin we live in. We need to embrace the fact that we are all unique and different and celebrate our own beauty. Global Beauty is about sustainability around the world. It's about looking at the bigger picture and understanding that everything in the world is connected. The more we internalise this, the easier it is to make a positive impact on our environment.


Biomazing: How do you implement the Global Beauty concept for yourself?

Lina Hanson: I love travelling and learning about other cultures and peoples that are different from my own. I grew up in a small town in Sweden and have always looked different from everyone else. That's what made me curious about other cultures and countries. My husband, co-founder of Lina Hanson and our creative director, was born in Kurdistan and grew up in Canada. So we are also a very global family.

The more I travel, the more perspective I get on the world we live in. We have so many misguided conceptions and ideas about other cultures, but I firmly believe that we can better accept other cultures if we can experience them.



Biomazing: Creating your own brand is not easy. What or who supported you in these steps?

Lina Hanson: I love what I do with all my heart and I believe in what our brand stands for with all my heart. This belief helps me to keep going no matter what. It's easy to get overwhelmed, but if I concentrate on one thing at a time and focus on individual tasks, I can keep a cool head. And of course it helps to have a great team. Surrounding myself with the right people is the most important thing.


Biomazing: Tell us a little about yourself: Who are you, who is Lina Hanson?

Lina Hanson: Wow, that's a difficult question... I would say that I'm a very simple girl at heart. I am always motivated and looking for a new adventure and don't like to stay in one place for a long time. I love travelling and discovering new places. It really gives me a lot of energy and inspiration. I always try to think positively and I succeed (most of the time at least), but I'm also a very impatient person - I still need to work on that (laughs)! But perhaps most importantly, I'm a person who tries to do what makes her happy and make a positive change for the world at the same time.


Biomazing: What does a day in your life look like?

Lina Hanson: It varies from day to day. I try to fit in a short work-out every morning. If I have a make-up job, that can mean anything from a trip to the desert or a beach for a photo shoot or doing someone's make-up for a red carpet event. When I don't have such tasks, I spend the day in the office checking the production and logistics of Lina Hanson, answering emails and liaising with my distributors. I have to walk in many different pairs of shoes, so I try to balance it all throughout the day. In the evening I cook with my husband or we go out to a nice restaurant in LA. Then we go for long walks in the neighbourhood with our dog. My life can get very hectic at times, so I really enjoy these peaceful moments. The right balance is so important and I try very hard to maintain it.


Biomazing: You get to travel a lot for your work. What is your favourite place in the world?

Lina Hanson: There are so many wonderful places on earth, so it changes almost every 5 minutes. I think at the moment it's my home country, Sweden. I've lived in America for more than half my life, but I love going back there, it's always so relaxing. I'm going back next month and I can't wait. A summer in Sweden is just amazing!


refugee camp

Biomazing: How do you come into contact with the people and cultures on your travels?

Lina Hanson: This also varies a lot, but it can be anything from researching places I really want to see or bumping into someone in a local cafe. The most interesting thing about travelling is that you never know what to expect and what experience you will have.


Biomazing: In addition to your beauty line, you also work as a make-up artist. What is the best thing about this job?

Lina Hanson: I love the interesting people I get to meet. It's a great feeling to be a part of making them feel good and beautiful for who they are and how they make themselves look. I firmly believe that you shine the most when you emphasise your special beauty and don't try to change yourself. I love showing women how to take care of their bodies with healthier alternatives. For me, skincare is a very important part of make-up work so that women can learn to love and care for the skin they live in.

Biomazing: You live a life between stars, glamour and lifestyle and on the other hand travelling to Africa and other developing countries. Where do you feel most at home?

Lina Hanson: I feel at home in many places. I love the contrast and I think that's what makes it all so exciting. These trips help me to ground myself and develop a certain perspective and gratitude.

Biomazing: Thank you, Lina, for these exciting and open answers. We are delighted to be able to work with you and would like to take a big step towards a better world together with you!

You can find Lina Hanson products and more information about the special ingredients and skincare traditions here:

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Biomazing: First Congratulations, Lina to the big new changes. The new design looks stunning and the new products are just amazing. What motivated you for doing these changes?
Lina Hanson: Thank you so much. I always had a very clear vision for it, and along with the expansion of the collection, we felt that we wanted to share that vision more fully. Getting a new look and revamp was a big part of that. We wanted our brand to represent who we are as people and what our skin care line is all about, simple, clean and colourful.


Biomazing: What does Global Beauty stand for? What do you want to tell your customers?
Lina Hanson: Global Beauty is an all-embracing approach to beauty. It's so much more than just external beauty. It's about being comfortable in your own skin, embracing who you are, no matter your age, shape or shade. It's been the goal from the beginning with the brand to share this message. I believe for a long time, society has told us we're less than. That we were supposed to look a certain way and to hide our "flaws."

I wanted my brand to be about celebrating the skin we're in. Embracing that fact that we're all unique and different and that's what makes us beautiful. Global Beauty is also about being conscious of the world as a whole. It's about thinking of the bigger picture and developing the understanding that everything is connected. The more we understand that and come together the greater the positive impact we can have on our surroundings.


Biomazing: How do you live the concept of Global Beauty for yourself?
Lina Hanson: I love to travel and learn about people and cultures that are different than my own. I grew up in a small town in Sweden and looked different than anyone I knew, and I think that always made me curious to experience different countries and cultures. My husband who is the co-founder and creative director was born in Kurdistan and grew up in Canada. So we are very global in that sense.

The more I travel, the more perspective I think I've acquired. We have so many misconceptions of what other cultures are like, but I believe that we develop an appreciation for others when we experience it for ourselves.


Biomazing: Creating your own brand is a big step. What helps you through all of these steps?
Lina Hanson: I genuinely love what I do, and I believe in the message of our brand whole-heartedly so that is definitely what keeps me moving forward. It's easy to get ahead of yourself but I think focusing on the task at hand helps. I just try to focus on one step at a time. It also helps to have a great team. Surrounding myself with the right people is essential.


Biomazing: Tell us something about yourself. Who are you, who is Lina Hanson?
Lina Hanson: Wow, that's a difficult question... I would say I'm very simple girl at heart. I've always been driven and up for new adventures. I don't like staying in one place for too long. I love to travel, and experience new places. It gives me so much energy and inspiration. I have a positive outlook on life (most of the time) but I'm also a very impatient person... I'm working on that...J But perhaps most importantly, I try to be someone who does things that they love while trying to help make some sort of positive impact in the world.


Biomazing: How does a day in your life look like?
Lina Hanson: It varies from day to day. I try to get a workout in in the morning. If I have a makeup job, then it can look anything from going to the desert or beach for a photo shoot to getting someone ready for a red carpet event. If I'm not doing makeup, then I spend my day at my office, overseeing production and shipping, answering emails, and connecting with my retail partners. There are a lot of different hats to wear, so I try to balance it all throughout the day. At the end of the day, my husband and I will cook, or go out to one of our favourite restaurants in LA. In the evenings we go for long walks in our neighbourhood with our dog. My life can be hectic at times so I always try to find those moments of peace. Balance is so important and it's always something I'm trying to attain.


Biomazing: You have to travel a lot for your work. What is your favourite place on earth?
Lina Hanson: There are so many wonderful places on earth, so it constantly changes. I think right now my favourite place might be Sweden, my home country. I've spent more than half of my life overseas, but I love going back there and always find it so relaxing. I'm going back next month and I can't wait. Summer in Sweden is my favourite!


Biomazing: How do you get in contact with the people you meet on your trips?
Lina Hanson: It varies, but it can be anything from doing research beforehand on certain places I'd like to go to meeting someone at a local café. The most interesting things about travelling for me is you never know who you'll end up meeting or what experience you'll have.

Biomazing: Next to creating your own beauty line, you are a make up artist. What is the best about this job?
Lina Hanson: I love the interesting people I get to meet and doing my part to allow them feel good about how they are presenting themselves. I am a big believer in enhancing your own unique beauty as opposed to changing it. I love educating women about healthier alternatives to conventional beauty products and teaching them how to do it themselves. For me part of the make up work and the skin care line is about empowering women to learn to love the skin they're in.
Biomazing: You live a life between stars, glamour and lifestyle and on the other side travel trips to Africa and other countries. Where do you feel at home?
Lina Hanson: I feel at home in many places. I love the contrast and I think it's what keeps things exciting. It also keeps me balanced and it allows me to have perspective.

Biomazing: Thanks Lina, for these honest and heartfelt answers. We are really glad to work with you!

More on Lina Hanson and to shop the line, please click here:

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