Essential oils against the winter blues

essential oils against the winter blues cover picture 1

Autumn is here. Colourful leaves, warmer jumpers - and sometimes a bad mood because summer is definitely over. As the body is very sensitive in times of change, it responds particularly well to gentle remedies. With a few simple tricks, you can create a good mood and relaxation in autumn:

It is now important to get enough vitamin D - so you should enjoy every ray of sunshine and get as much fresh air as possible. Exercise, even if it's just a few minutes' walk, also helps to release happiness hormones.

Aromatherapy can also be used to banish the winter blues. The essential oils of rose, lemon balm, lavender, lemon, mandarin, orange blossom and jasmine are particularly effective for this. These oils can be used pure without mixing them with a carrier oil. If you also want to give your skin a freshness boost during the day, you can spray hydrolates made from these flowers on your face and neck instead of essential oils.

The easiest way is to inhale the oil: drizzle 2-3 drops into clean palms and rub in. Now inhale the fragrance deeply for 2-3 minutes.

You can also diffuse these oils in the room with a fragrance lamp by dripping a few drops of essential oil into the water. The bonus of this method is that everyone in the room benefits from it - but you should ask in advance whether the odour is pleasant, otherwise it will be very disturbing for others and will not lighten the mood...

If you are also struggling with a cold or flu, you can mix oregano, thyme, eucalyptus, lime or peppermint essential oil with a neutral carrier oil and use it in this way. Almond oil, jojoba oil or coconut oil are recommended as carrier oils.

These simple tricks will help you face the winter healthy and happy!

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