DIY hair treatment for soft and supple hair

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Summer! The sun, heat, sea and beach quickly take their toll on your hair. With this simple DIY recipe, your hair will shine again. The best thing about this hair treatment: you are sure to have almost all the ingredients at home, and the mask consists of 100% natural products.

What you need

1 half avocado
1 half banana
1 egg
½ tsp honey
1 tsp oil (of your choice, coconut or olive oil is particularly recommended)

Mix all the ingredients together and blend until smooth. This is best done in a glass blender. This will make the mask smooth and creamy.

Now apply the mixture to dry (!) hair, paying attention to the particularly dry ends and the hairline and scalp, which have been particularly damaged by the sun. Once the entire mixture has been distributed through the hair, all the hair and scalp should be able to absorb the nourishing mask.

Now wrap a shower cap or towel around the mask. Leave the mask on for approx. 1 hour. After the mask has worked in, wash your hair as usual and enjoy the result: Wonderfully shiny, soft and beautiful hair!

Caution: After about 20 minutes, the mixture will start to dry slightly. Don't let this put you off, a towel or shower cap will keep everything where it should be.

The ingredients

What makes this mask so special and effective is the combination of ingredients. Avocado has a high vitamin E content and therefore supports hair growth. Even the ancient Egyptians knew this and used avocados to care for shiny, long hair.

Bananas are very rich in potassium and with the help of vitamins (such as C and E) they strengthen the hair. In this mask, the banana also serves as a link between the ingredients to make the mask smooth.

Egg is full of proteins and vitamin D. The proteins primarily nourish the hairline and thus support growth. Vitamin D, on the other hand, prevents hair loss, making the egg a real miracle cure!

Honey moisturises the hair and due to its restorative properties it is particularly important to strengthen the hair and make it shine.

Pure vegetable oil is the most important ingredient in the mask. As hair is often dry and brittle, especially in summer, oil helps to moisturise and strengthen damaged hair. Coconut oil and olive oil provide the hair with healthy fats and can therefore ensure beautiful, shiny and silky hair.

The result

Why do I recommend this particular mask? I tried the mask and couldn't get my hands out of my hair for the next 48 hours. My hair has never felt so smooth and was so soft and shiny. Even after a week, I could still feel and see how much the health of my hair had improved. Conclusion: Definitely give it a try, your hair will thank you!

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