Research - BIOMAZING Switzerland The best place to buy natural cosmetics, organic & sustainable skincare & superfoods. Thu, 28 Mar 2024 01:14:52 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Research - BIOMAZING Switzerland 32 32 Perfume - The unrecognised danger in the bathroom Tue, 19 May 2020 12:14:40 +0000 In mid-2012, the beauty scene was suddenly in a frenzy: Chanel's iconic perfume "Chanel No. 5" was placed on a blacklist by the EU and potentially banned. The reason: according to analyses, the perfume contains over 100 hazardous ingredients. We get to the bottom of this:

The art of fragrances and perfumes is an ancient science and part of beauty rituals in all parts of the world. Floral waters and essential oils were used to enhance well-being, to heal and, of course, to seduce. In France, perfumes were used long ago not only to seduce, but also to mask odours (at a time when washing was more dangerous), and even to kill: Fragrant but highly toxic substances were dripped into clothing and gloves, and the slow absorption slowly killed the wearer. The French therefore already knew that toxins could be absorbed into the body through the skin and that even fragrant substances could be poisonous.


It was no coincidence that the EU targeted the world's most famous perfume, "Chanel No. 5". Even if it was unlikely from the outset that this ban would actually be imposed (with media impact), the issue was sure to attract the attention of the media. All the more so the media landscape whose readers usually dismiss warnings of this kind and attribute them to vegan Birkenstock wearers and organic aunties like me. Because what the analyses of the perfume have revealed, the large number of synthetic ingredients, comes as no surprise to industry experts.

From a historical point of view, the selection of Chanel No. 5 was at least as interesting, because this perfume was the first entirely synthetic perfume that came onto the market. It was not developed synthetically for cost reasons, but because Coco Chanel's perfumer was convinced that the synthetic aldehydes would make the scent of the natural essences even more intense.

What makes perfume dangerous? 

Perfumes contain a long list of known hazardous and toxic ingredients.
One of these is aldehyde. Aldehyde comes from the same chemical family as the highly carcinogenic formaldehyde, which is used in nail varnishes.
Another highly problematic ingredient is musk (natural or synthetic). Musk is particularly dangerous as this synthetic substance has xenoestrogenic effects that have been linked to infertility, breast cancer, cervical cancer and testicular cancer. This fact has prompted the EU to ban some (!) nitro musk compounds.

Other ingredients in perfumes and fragrances that can have potentially negative effects on health include neurotoxins (which impair the function of nerve tissue), a whole range of allergens, skin-irritating substances and ingredients that can even cause asthma. Often the term "perfume" also conceals the fact that the product in question contains phthalates, a group of highly dangerous hormone disruptors. Analyses of conventional perfumes show that they contain hundreds (!) of neurotoxins, carcinogens and synthetic compounds that interfere with hormone balance and can cause birth defects, among other things.

How do fragrances get into our bodies? 

There are many concerns with perfumes and fragrances as they can be inhaled, ingested and absorbed through the skin. We inhale numerous fragrances every day, from perfumes to dishwashing liquids to air fresheners. We also spray perfume directly onto our skin or clothing and inhale it immediately thanks to the latest atomisers.

However, this is not the most problematic aspect, as it is not only the wearer of perfume who is exposed to the hazardous substances, but also babies and children who cuddle with you, as well as everyone in our immediate environment. Breastfeeding mothers expose their babies to a particularly high concentration of synthetic fragrances at a time when the endocrine system (i.e. the hormonal system) is still too weak to deal with them. The toxins then accumulate in the body and unknown effects may only become apparent decades later.

The EU recently published a study showing that young girls exposed to air fresheners (e.g. in the bathroom) started menstruating months earlier than the control group. So this study proves the power of fragrances just by inhaling them once or twice a day for less than 5 minutes!

Also to be noted is the Environmental impact. When fragrances are washed off, whether from the body, laundry or crockery, they get into the water, where they often cannot be filtered and thus get into the groundwater, or are reused as drinking water, for cooking or as bath water.

In addition to health concerns and environmental pollution, the production of synthetic fragrances is not necessarily sustainable. A high consumption of valuable resources goes hand in hand with the production of fragrances.

What alternatives are there to conventional perfumes? 

Fortunately, there is a whole range of alternatives for fragrance fans! Essential oils make excellent air fresheners and you can create your own favourite fragrance. Floral waters are suitable as perfumes and for freshening up fabrics. Of course, there are also modern and 100% natural and non-toxic perfumes, such as those from Farfalla, Lotuswei, Lina Hanson and other specialised brands. Of course, these smell different to the latest celebrity perfume, but perhaps that's just as well.

We have put together a selection of safe perfumes here:

Recommendations for customers from Germany & Austria

Recommendations for customers from Switzerland

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CBD oil: help with acne, anxiety, menstrual pain and much more Mon, 30 Dec 2019 11:17:00 +0000 CBD oil is the next big trend on the horizon. On the one hand in cosmetics, but also for ingestion to help with pain, anxiety, tension and much more. 

But what is CBD anyway and how is CBD oil extracted? Does CBD oil get you high or is it safe? Is CBD oil legally available? And what are the differences between CBD oil and hemp oil? What is CBD oil good for and when can it be used?

Many people regularly take painkillers, sleeping pills or other synthetic medications. However, these preparations, some of which contain far too high a dosage, sometimes place a great strain on the human body. They are also difficult to combine with a healthy (and vegan) lifestyle. Due to the increased demand in recent years, the range of natural alternatives to conventional painkillers has grown rapidly. One very popular, but not uncontroversial organic product in the public eye is CBD oil.

Herbal painkiller: What is CBD oil?

CBD is the abbreviation for the word cannabidiol. This refers to one of a total of over 85 cannabinoids of the female hemp plantwhich is commonly known as cannabis. In contrast to the psychoactive cannabinoid THC, which is usually smoked or consumed in other ways, cannabis is not a psychoactive substance. CBD completely legal in Europe. For the production of commercially available CBD oils, hemp varieties are used that have a high CBD content but a low THC content. Within the EU, only products with less than 0.3% THC are authorised. The amount of THC contained in commercially available CBD oils is definitely too low to get "high" from it.

Due to the intoxicating effect of THC, hemp is often associated with illegal drugs. For a long time, this also affected the image of this amazingly potent crop, which is characterised by its resource-saving nature and environmental friendliness. Hemp hardly needs any water, is extremely resilient and grows quickly. As the plant is hardly susceptible to pests, it does not need to be treated with pesticides. It has been used since ancient times for the production of textiles, insulation materials and as food. 

In recent years, research and alternative medicine have been particularly interested in the medical and therapeutic effects of CBD oil extracted from the cannabis plant. It is believed that CBD oil can help not only with acute complaints such as menstrual pain or nervousness, but also with some chronic illnesses. Numerous patient testimonials speak for themselves. However, there are still very few clinical studies on the effects of CBD oil. It is at least considered proven that CBD has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect and has a positive influence on the psyche. The cannabinoid supports the body in reducing stress and sustainably improves general well-being.

What is the difference between CBD oil and hemp oil?

There are significant differences between CBD oil and hemp oil. Both oils are used for medicinal purposes. But while the effects of hemp oil have been extensively researched in the past, the full spectrum of effects of CBD oil is still largely unexplored. 
CBD oil is extracted from the leaves, flowers and stems of the cannabis plantHemp oil, on the other hand, is a by-product made from cold-pressed hemp seeds. It has been available in health food stores for decades and can be found in smoothies and skincare products. It is rich in antioxidants, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, but does not contain CBD, THC or other cannabinoids. In skincare, hemp oil extracted from the seeds of the plant is used as a powerful moisturiser with antioxidants and omega fatty acids.

CBD oil is also suitable for the skin, where it has an anti-inflammatory effect, for example. It is also absorbed through the skin and acts on the cannabinoid system in the body. There, the CBD acts on the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the cannabinoid system, which all mammals have. The receptors run through the entire body and, put simply, influence inflammation and pain, among other things. CBD therefore has both external and internal applications, where it has a wide range of benefits. 

CBD oil: how safe is it?

Current findings indicate that the active ingredient in CBD oil is safe. CBD oil is safe and authorised if the THC content between 0 and max. 0.3% lies. Then it is also guaranteed that CBD oil is not psychoactive or intoxicating and is safe. However, you should always be aware of possible interactions with medication. It should also be borne in mind that CBD, unlike THC, has a appetite suppressant effect has. People with a low body weight and seriously ill people should therefore refrain from taking CBD oil. It is also recommended to refrain from taking CBD during pregnancy and while breastfeeding due to a lack of reliable studies. Although there are no known side effects or risks, the field has not yet been conclusively researched. If in doubt, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting any treatment with CBD.

Extraction and production of CBD oil: how the natural miracle cure is obtained

CBD oil can be produced using a wide variety of processes. The colour of the oil varies depending on the conditions under which the cannabis plants are grown. Crude oil is usually dark or greenish, as it is not filtered and still contains plant fibres and chlorophyll. The highest quality is the yellowish or golden-coloured filtered oil.

A common and popular method for producing CBD oil is CO2 extraction. In this innovative process, liquid CO2 is used as a solvent instead of chemicals. The desired substance, i.e. the CBD, can be dissolved from the cannabis in this way. In a further step, the extract obtained is separated from the CO2. This extraction process is used in the food industry for many other purposes. Compared to other processes, CO extraction is a particularly environmentally friendly method.

The production of CBD:

Multi-talented CBD oil: application and mode of action

CBD has a variety of uses and can be taken in different ways. In this context, it should be mentioned that some forms of CBD have a higher bioavailability than others. They can therefore be absorbed more easily by the body.

For joint pain, tension, skin irritation, inflammation and acne CBD oil applied externally. Topical CBD oils typically contain a carrier such as coconut oil, shea butter or beeswax in addition to the active ingredient. The The effect of CBD often only becomes apparent after about an hour.

There are also a number of CBD oil products for oral ingestion. As many people find the flavour of CBD oil bitter and unpleasant, CBD oil capsules are now also available. The disadvantage is that these cannot be dosed as well. For acute complaints, CBD oil in the form of drops takes effect after 15 to 30 minutes. With CBD oil capsules, it takes around 30 to 60 minutes.

Areas of application: What is CBD oil good for?

CBD can promote health in a variety of ways. The therapeutic potential of the cannabinoid has definitely not yet been fully utilised. Among other things, CBD oil is currently used to alleviate and treat the following complaints and illnesses:

  • Neurodermatitis
  • Acne
  • Inflammation of the skin 
  • Chronic or acute pain
  • Joint diseases
  • Inflammations
  • Menstrual cramps and PMS
  • Smoking cessation and drug withdrawal
  • Epilepsy
  • Certain cancers
  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders and panic attacks
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Overweight

A positive effect of CBD oil has been scientifically proven for most of these areas of application. For example, the authors of a study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine in 2012 found that CBD significantly reduces chronic inflammation. Another study looked at the use of CBD in connection with smoking cessation as early as 2013. Smokers who used inhalers containing CBD smoked significantly fewer cigarettes than before and had no further cravings for nicotine.

CBD oil for menstrual pain

For PMS complaints and menstrual pain, CBD oil is a Reliable alternative to conventional painkillers such as ibuprofen, naproxen or paracetamol. CBD regulates the vanilloid receptor, which reduces the perception of pain. Women can even proactively prevent menstrual cramps by starting to take CBD oil a few days before their period begins. However, if acute pain occurs, the affected areas of the body can be treated externally with topical CBD oil.

CBD oil for anxiety

Doctors usually advise people with chronic anxiety disorders to avoid the usual cannabis, which contains THC. THC is suspected of triggering or intensifying feelings of anxiety and paranoia. The situation is different with CBD, especially as conventional treatment can lead to side effects and withdrawal symptoms. For this reason, medical research is now focussing intensively on the question of whether - and which - cannabinoids could represent a possible alternative to certain psychotropic drugs. In a study published in Neurotherapeutics in 2015, researchers found that CBD can significantly reduce anxiety in people. In patients with post-traumatic stress disorder, social phobia or certain obsessive-compulsive disorders CBD had an anti-anxiety and calming effect.

What should be considered when treating with CBD oil?

In addition to the medical aspects, the origin of the CBD oil plays a major role. When buying CBD oil, you should never fall back on low-budget products. Hemp plants are considered hyper-accumulators. Where they grow, they clean the soil by absorbing any toxins or chemicals such as fertilisers. There is a risk that these toxins could be present in extracts from the plant as a result. It is therefore recommended, Only high-quality CBD oil from organic cultivation to use. Of course, quality has its price, but in the end you are doing something good for yourself and the environment. 

Conclusion: CBD oil has potential

Although research into CBD is still in its infancy, the potential of the active ingredient appears to be enormous. CBD has an antioxidant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The cannabinoid also improves mental balance and provides greater equilibrium. The positive effect of the powerful CBD oil on menstrual pain, anxiety and chronic pain has now been proven. Nevertheless, there are almost no comprehensive studies on the effect of CBD oil on specific complaints and illnesses. After all, the hemp plant did not have the best reputation for a long time, which is why some of the products were banned. As a result, until a few years ago, research was not at all interested in the plant and the active ingredients it contains. Fortunately, this has now changed and we can look forward to the research results of the coming years.


Cannabis concentrate photo by Wikipedia user "Cameek33"
Photo "CBD oil drops in heart shape" by Wikipedia user "Sherpa SEO"

Interview: Dr Dr Hans-Otto Thomashoff on satisfaction Fri, 02 Oct 2015 05:03:50 +0000 Is contentment the new happiness? In his new book "Ich sucht das Glück und fand die Zufriedenheit" (I sought happiness and found contentment), the Viennese psychotherapist, doctor and art historian Dr Dr Hans-Otto Thomashoff explains what happiness really is (contentment!) and how each of us can become a little more content.
Biomazing interviewed the author about his new book and questions relating to satisfaction.

Biomazing is giving away a copy of the book "Ich sucht das Glück und fand die Zufriedenheit", the conditions of participation can be found at the end of this article.


Biomazing: Mr Thomashoff, your latest book is entitled "Ich sucht das Happiness and found contentment". Is contentment the new happiness? Why?

Thomashoff: Everyone wants to be happy and is under a misconception: It's not happiness that makes you happy, but contentment. Contentment is the real happiness. Everyday experience and brain research confirm this: happiness is fleeting, Satisfaction on the other hand, is constant. And yet, driven by Hollywood and the colourful advertising machine, we are all striving for happiness through consumerism, gambling, drugs and relationship perfectionism - and in doing so, we no longer find time to live our lives. We don't even realise how behind every goal there is already another one lurking to be achieved, chasing from more beautiful to slimmer to smarter and yet only becoming more and more frustrated.


Biomazing: What are the concrete building blocks for being "happily satisfied"?

Thomashoff: Two forces determine our existence: our relationships with other people and our ability to achieve something ourselves, the so-called effectiveness. All of our psychological needs are in the
The tension between relationship and achievement, between the search for security and the curiosity to keep doing new things. We must always find a balance between the two in order to be satisfied: Recognising, controlling and using feelings in a targeted way, the ability to wait for rewards and to act independently instead of being a passive spectator.


Biomazing: And that applies to all people? Aren't we all very different, as you yourself write in your book?

Thomashoff: Yes, that applies to each of us, each with our own specialities. The structure of our brain is a marvellous illustration of how they develop, i.e. why we have become the way we are. It always builds itself - based on its genetic make-up - in constant interaction with the environment and thus creates the psyche. By understanding how we become who we are, we can also specifically
work towards a contented life.


Biomazing: Now we know what makes us happy. What specifically makes us unhappy/dissatisfied?

Thomashoff: This is usually due to permanent stress factors that rob us of sleep and inner peace. These are primarily unresolved conflicts, whether conscious or unconscious, and unprocessed psychological traumas, i.e. experiences that were so painful that the associated feelings could not be processed and therefore keep pushing their way to the surface. Both can be overcome. But first you have to recognise them in the first place. The good news is that our brain remains adaptable and flexible throughout our lives.


Biomazing: Let's assume we are all basically happy. Should we look for moments of happiness

Thomashoff: Definitely. Especially recommended: sex. Together with our partner, we utilise the power of our mirror cells - the book explains what they are in detail - to spur each other on. In this way, curiosity from the reward system merges with the relationship power of our love hormone oxytocin. Regular exercise in other ways also provides us with more satisfaction. Flow experiences are particularly easy to achieve in sport: The lasting feeling of elation when anticipation and reward for what has been achieved merge into one another and thus cheer yourself on. The important thing is to do it right: This means jogging or swimming with a heart rate of 70 to 80 per cent of your maximum performance. This is easily calculated using the following formula: 220 minus your age. And then 80%.


Biomazing: So we want to consciously make a difference. Biomazing supports many small farmers, producers, cooperatives and projects. Does the conscious consumption of fair products not only help these people, but does it also make us happier because we are making a difference?

Thomashoff: Above all, it's about fairness. For society as a whole, fairness increases well-being. This does not mean that everyone is treated completely equally. Anyone who feels underpaid or has to watch how the pay of others goes beyond the bounds of fairness becomes dissatisfied. The simple basic formula that is perceived as fair is: those who can, must be allowed to perform and must be paid for it.
are rewarded appropriately. It is therefore not surprising that the inhabitants of Switzerland or the Scandinavian countries consider themselves to be more satisfied than average. They regularly occupy the top places in global surveys on their own well-being.


Biomazing: What does mindfulness (awareness) have to do with satisfaction?

Thomashoff: A lot, because it is precisely recognising, controlling and using our feelings in a targeted way that allows us to consciously shape our lives towards greater contentment. This is especially true for people who were not born with contentment, who were not taught how to be content from an early age.


Biomazing: Do you see a connection between beauty and personal care on the one hand and satisfaction on the other?

Thomashoff: It certainly exists. If you consciously take care of yourself, you will also consciously make sure that you do your body good. And since everything in the brain tends to be self-reinforcing, it's not just a healthy body that harbours a
A healthy mind is not just a healthy mind, but also the other way round - a healthy mind ensures that your body is doing well.


Biomazing: In the day-to-day business of Biomazing, we notice time and again that the the happier and healthier someone is, the better they take care of themselves and their health. the better he looks after himself and his skin. Does the reverse also apply, that someone who takes better care of herself, makes herself pretty and uses beautiful products for cares, becomes happier as a result?

Thomashoff: Exactly, as just explained. Nevertheless, the most important source of our satisfaction is the quality of our relationships. We humans are embedded in our relationships and only become who we are through them. The current state of our relationships shapes and colours our view of our entire life. As in a sequence from the Woody Allen film Celebrity: "That guy in the back is a famous film critic. He hated every film. And then he married a young woman. And he's loved every film ever since."

Biomazing: Finally, why don't you give us a little tip? What can we simply do every day that makes us happier?

Thomashoff: In addition to recognising, controlling and using feelings in a targeted way, there are of course also the many little tricks in everyday life: managing stress well, cultivating anticipation, enjoying the pleasures of life.
savour and alternate, use intuition, use your own strengths, avoid weaknesses and much more. More about this in detail in the book.

Book cover


The book on the subject has been published by Ariston Verlag.

Hans-Otto Thomashoff: I sought happiness and found contentment. Fr: 26.90,-


Conditions of participation for the prize draw:

1. subscribe to our Biomazing Newsletter

2. write us an E - Mail to why it makes you personally particularly happy to buy sustainable and organic products.participation until 18 October

The winner will be drawn by us and then notified by e-mail.

Good luck!











Biomazing experts: gemstones in cosmetics Sun, 27 Sep 2015 06:31:44 +0000 Gemstones and their extracts are the latest craze in the beauty scene. What's behind this trend? Expert Sandra Beck-Mair from Sandra Mair Cosmetic Manufactuare enhances her high-quality products with precious minerals and explains the hows and whys of nature's jewels:

In human history, precious minerals have always played a major role in health and beauty. Thousands of years of tradition from ancient Egypt, the ancient Roman Empire and the indigenous peoples of North America and other parts of the world document the empirical knowledge of the diverse effects and powers of precious minerals.

Today, this ancient knowledge is confirmed and supplemented by research findings in the chemical and medical fields.
For those who are particularly interested, I refer to the Standard work Natural Minerals / Regulation / Health by Prof. Prof. Dr Karl Hecht. In his specialised work, Hecht gives an impressive and easy-to-understand account of the effects of natural and precious minerals.

Precious minerals are primordial minerals and therefore natural components of our planet. They are chemical compounds. The individual precious minerals are usually differentiated by the chemical elements they contain. One chemical element found in most precious minerals is silicon, which often combines with oxygen to form silicon dioxide. Silicon is of great importance for the function of the human organism. The human body contains around 20 mg of silicon per kilogramme of body weight. This amount decreases steadily with age.

The positive effect of silicon dioxide has been scientifically researched. It has been proven that silicon dioxide binds moisture and thus ensures firmness, firmness and elasticity of the skin and connective tissue. The positive effect of silicon dioxide on skin blemishes has also been proven.

In addition to silicon, other elements are also found in precious minerals, such as iron, copper and sulphur. Each element has its own effect on the organism, the skin or the connective tissue. Iron, for example, has been proven to promote collagen formation in the skin and therefore its elasticity. Sulphur, on the other hand, supports the detoxification of the skin and removes skin impurities.

In cosmetics, precious minerals help to ensure that the skin cells are well supplied with the necessary nutrients. They therefore have a regulating effect on the skin's metabolism and leave a beautifully even complexion. Precious minerals are said to have rejuvenating, skin-tightening properties, which Nefertiti and Cleopatra already knew how to utilise thousands of years ago.

It is a wonderful gift that we are able to use these jewels of nature in cosmetics.

Sandra Beck-Mair, owner and founder of the Sandra Mair Cosmetic Manufacture works in her company's manufactory herself.

photo credit:,,,

Spotlight: Bioactive pea sprouts for new hair growth Fri, 03 Apr 2015 15:29:01 +0000 Bioactive pea sprouts? The green sprouts are a special ingredient in the PurePlenty hair care range that provides new, healthy hair growth for hair loss and thin hair. How does it work?

The power of the pea Pea sprouts contain many phytonutrients. These support the scalp and can trigger a new hair cycle. The little power sprouts can do this by stimulating proteins in the hair, the so-called cells of the dermal papilla. These proteins regulate the phases of the hair growth cycles and can therefore influence the growth phase of the hair.

The life of a hair The life of a hair is divided into three cycles: In the first phase of the cycle, the anagen phase, the hair grows. The second phase, the catagen phase, lasts around 3 weeks. During this phase, the hair follicles change, they can shrink and divide. In the last phase, the telogen phase, the old hair is replaced by new hair and falls out.

PurePlenty hair phases


It is therefore quite normal for hair to fall out in the third phase. Hair loss only becomes a problem when there is no longer enough hair in the first phase, i.e. not enough hair grows back, and more hair is in the third phase and falls out. The hair growth cycle can be disrupted by many causes, and stress, diet and environmental influences are just some of the possible causes. Genetic predisposition can also lead to hair loss.

The helper: Bioactive pea sprouts can normalise the cycle that has gone awry and thus ensure that more hair grows back than falls out. These results have even been proven: 75% of the test subjects noted denser hair growth in the anagen phase, and 85% of the test subjects noted having denser hair in the telogen phase as well.

It is particularly great that the PurePlenty series from Intelligent Nutrients pea sprouts are not cultivated outdoors, but in a greenhouse on the company's own farm in Wisconsin. This saves almost 4,000 litres of water per kilogram of pea sprouts harvested.


Curly and frizzy hair - the science behind it Sat, 31 Jan 2015 14:19:17 +0000 Hair is a very complex matter. And we usually want exactly what we don't have. But there are also hair types that require more intensive care: curly and frizzy hair has a very specific structure and requires special care:

Roughly speaking, our hair all has the same structure. Each hair fibre consists of three layers: Medulla (core), cortex (sheath), and cuticle (cuticle layer). When greatly enlarged, it looks like this:

Hair structure Curls Hair structure

The outermost layer, the cuticle, consists of keratin (a protein) and has the task of protecting the inner structure. The cuticle protects the hair from drying out and, as it is the outermost layer, is responsible for the appearance of the hair. The outer cuticle layer can be rough with individual scales sticking out, or it can be smooth and shiny. If the hair is healthy, the cuticle lies flat, resulting in a smooth surface with a natural shine. The moisture remains in the hair and it stays supple.

If, on the other hand, the cuticle lifts, the hair loses shine and moisture and therefore becomes dry and brittle. In figure a), the cuticle lies flat, which ensures healthy hair. In figure b), the cuticle is raised and the hair appears brittle:

Hair structure cuticle

The layer under the cuticle is called the cortex. The cortex contains melanin, which gives the hair its colour. It is also responsible for the hair type: straight, wavy or curly.
Another layer deeper in the hair, and therefore the innermost layer, is the medulla. The medulla influences the colour tone of the hair. It is usually found in long, thick hair, but interestingly not in all hair types.

We now know how hair is structured. But why does every hair type behave differently? And why does curly or frizzy hair in particular often become brittle and dry?

Special care for curly and frizzy hair

The sebaceous glands on the scalp produce sebum. Sebum consists of triglycerides, diglycerides, free fatty acids (about 50-60% in total), wax esters (20-30%), squalene (10-16%), cholesterol (2-4 %) and vitamin E. Its function is to moisturise hair and skin and make them supple. Sebum acts almost like a natural conditioner. In curly and frizzy hair, the shape of the hair makes it difficult for the sebum to reach the bottom of the hair. This means that there is less or no sebum further away from the hair root. The moisture can then escape from the hair structure and the hair becomes dry and brittle. Due to the lack of moisture, the hair also becomes more sensitive and breaks more easily, especially in the case of hair bends.

Curly and frizzy hair therefore needs additional moisture and sebum. The ideal care product has a similar structure and composition to natural sebum in order to moisturise it and store it there.

The solution for curly to frizzy hair that lacks moisture is the HAVANA CURLS Leave-in Conditioner. This special conditioner for curly to ethnic hair is a purely natural product that has been specially developed for these hair types. This leave-in cream contains aqueous extracts, natural hygroscopic substances and a large number of natural components that take over the function of sebum. The result is beautifully shiny, soft and curly hair.


The information for this text was provided by Dr Liset Lüderitz, the developer of Havana Curls.

Trend topic: Microplastics in cosmetics Sat, 05 Jul 2014 07:23:29 +0000 Advertising shows us how: Manufacturers advertise with "small, soft beads soaked in essential oils" that "mechanically" clean the skin and teeth. The consumer can - and should - freely interpret exactly what this means. But no one thinks about the fact that these are tiny plastic particles that can find their way into our bodies and the environment.

What is microplastic and why is everyone talking about it?

Shower gels with microbeads, scrubs with microbeads and toothpaste with the "Pearl System" promise that the new technology effectively cleanses the skin and teeth with the tiny miracle beads. But what you only find in the small print, and even then only if you can read and understand INCI lists properly: The beads are made of plastic and can make up to 10% of a product.


What is microplastic and what does it contain?

Microplastic is the umbrella term for particles or fibres with a diameter of less than 5mm. Microbeads in cosmetic products almost always have a diameter of less than 1mm.
Microplastics are a popular ingredient in a range of products because they are very cheap and easy to process. Microplastic particles are usually found in body and face scrubs or toothpastes, which can contain thousands of the tiny plastic beads. Caution is also advised with shower gels, which often advertise shower beads that are supposed to cleanse the skin particularly effectively. Microplastic particles end up in groundwater, animals and food via cosmetics.

What is the purpose of microplastics in care products?

Products that rub during application and thus attack the top layer of skin or plaque are perceived by us as particularly cleansing. Toothpaste with small plastic beads removes plaque more effectively, while intensive scrubs remove dead skin cells and make the skin appear softer. Manufacturers advertise deep-cleansing care thanks to "microbeads" - a term that makes consumers believe in a natural ingredient.


People, animals and the environment

Studies show that some toothpastes (especially those with the so-called "Pearl System") consist of up to 10% of plastic and plastic particles. Some of these enter our bodies during use and are excreted again. No truly negative consequences for the body are known or proven, but the damage to our environment is all the greater.

Wastewater treatment plants are used to try and filter the microparticles out of the groundwater. However, this is only partially successful, as some of the plastic particles are so small that they slip through any filter and remain in the water. The scale of the problem is alarming: in the state of New York, for example, around 20 tonnes of microplastics are released into the water every year.

Once in the groundwater, microplastics cause considerable damage: The beads can be tracked into the digestive systems of animals. There they clog the stomachs, cause inflammation and can even lead to death.

But it is not only the animal world that is affected by microparticles. Tonnes of plastic also accumulate in sewage sludge, which is formed during wastewater treatment and is later used as fertiliser in agriculture. This means that microplastic particles end up back in the groundwater and also in the plants themselves. The idea that you might find the plastic particles from your shower gel on your own plate is no longer so absurd: tests by the German consumer magazine ARD have shown that plastic particles are already present in detectable quantities in milk, honey and even treated tap water.


What can we do about it?

If you have read this article up to this point, the first step has already been taken: you have informed yourself and are now better able to understand which products, whether cosmetics, cleaning products or food, may contain microplastics. Switching to natural and, above all, certified organic food and cosmetics will help you to avoid microplastics.

Tip: In cosmetic products, microplastics are labelled as "polyethylene" in the list of ingredients. The top priority is to be careful with products that advertise microbeads or the Pearl System.

The good news is that there are many alternatives. Natural scrubs, salt, sand, clay or ground nutshells are just as suitable as cleansing aids and are contained in many natural cosmetic products. And natural cosmetic toothpaste also works perfectly without microplastics.

Unbelievable but true: happiness and health through giving Tue, 20 May 2014 15:27:30 +0000 It's slowly getting warmer again, the sun is shining and it's only natural that spring makes us feel happy. It's no wonder that beaming faces and people in love are part of the cityscape again! Yet there are studies that prove that you can have a lasting positive influence on your own happiness and health - by giving.

A number of studies have shown that selfless behaviour increases happiness and physical health for everyone involved: the giver, the receiver and even the observer. It is worth noting that the giver benefits even more from their positive behaviour than the recipient.

Among other things, it has been shown to increase feelings of happiness, general satisfaction and physical health, with particular effects on insomnia, migraines, colds, depression and even asthma and cancer.

A study by Harvard University in the USA, led by David McCelland, focussed on altruism and the effects of altruistic acts on the immune system. The scientists were surprised to discover that positive action in an altruistic sense (i.e. selfless and altruistic giving) has positive long-term effects on the immune system. It doesn't even matter whether you are the giver or the recipient of a kind gesture - just observing an altruistic act has a positive effect on the body!

To test this, psychologist David McCelland showed films of altruistic acts to university students and then measured the antibodies in saliva that are responsible for the body's defences. The values were better after watching altruistic acts than before! This groundbreaking discovery was soon given the euphonious name "the healing power of helping".

The following happened in the bodyImmunoglobulin are antibodies in the salivary fluid of humans. These antibodies fight infections and diseases. Anyone who witnessed a selfless, altruistic act had more immunoglobulin in their body after observing or performing the act than before and was therefore stronger and had better defences.

The character is also influenced. But it's not just happiness and the immune system that benefit from altruistic acts, character is also influenced and even changed in the long term. Scientists at Harvard University found that people who actively perform altruistic acts develop a certain type of trust over time, which is also known as "affiliative trust". "Affiliative trust" describes how positively one values interpersonal relationships. Those who have developed the ability to view interpersonal relationships as something fundamentally positive and meaningful have developed a special kind of trust.

Why is this important? Almost 10 years after the study in which the test subjects had developed and cultivated "Affiliative Trust" on the basis of altruistic acts, they had fewer cases of serious illnesses than the control group. They were also happier and more positive overall and felt that they were leading a positive life worth living.

So nature never ceases to amaze us. This time it is the fact that giving and helping are good for our well-being, our body and our personality. Unbelievable but true!


Lubricants, intimate care & co: intimate products under the magnifying glass Sat, 01 Feb 2014 12:25:35 +0000 Lubricant and intimate hygiene is a global business worth billions. Thousands of products are bought every year: by couples, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, women on the pill, for menopausal symptoms or as a nice extra. But stress and the use of sleeping pills and antidepressants can also have a strong impact on the body, and the use of intimate products and personal lubricants goes from being a pleasure to a necessity.

Unrecognised risk
However, it is not recommended to use just any product without hesitation. Many products do not declare their ingredients at all, either on the product or online. This makes it difficult for the consumer to make an informed decision. Especially in the case of products for the intimate area, it is important to know whether they contain irritants, preservatives and even hormonally active substances (e.g. oestrogen imitators). This is because the consequences can be allergic reactions, inflammation and, in the worst case, even lasting damage to health. Why? Because the intimate area is more sensitive than other areas: 

Mucous membranes as a sponge 
The delicate and permeable intimate tissue absorbs particularly well, as it does not penetrate the uppermost protective layer of skin, the stratum corneumand can absorb almost unchecked. The use of products containing silicone or methyl paraben can therefore have unpleasant consequences. For example, parabens can imitate oestrogen in the body and have been linked to breast cancer. They can also irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions. 

Glycerine is another ingredient that is often found in intimate hygiene products. However, glycerine is not entirely harmless in the intimate area. While glycerine can nourish and moisturise normal skin, it can dry out the mucous membranes and promote the development of fungi. Incidentally, in higher doses glycerine acts like a paraben and mimics oestrogen in the body. Glycerine is also hostile to sperm. But glycerine is not alone in this. 

Fertility can be impaired become
A number of studies have shown that lubricants can affect sperm in different ways. Even common personal lubricants can have just as harsh an effect as spermicides. Among other things, sperm can become infertile and the fertilisation of an egg impossible.  
The pH value of a lubricant can also influence fertility: While lubricants generally have very low pH values (usually much lower than 7 and often close to 4 or even lower), the pH value for optimal sperm movement and survival is between 7 and 8.5. 
The pH value of intimate products is also particularly important for healthy vaginal flora. A pH value that is often too alkaline disrupts the naturally acidic environment, making it more susceptible to inflammation and disease. 

The consistency of a lubricant can also impair sperm in their freedom of movement and they die before they reach the egg. The problem of osmolality in the case of an unfulfilled desire to have children is described in here a report. 

Fortunately, there are already manufacturers who are working on healthier and less harmful and irritating alternatives. One pioneer of healthy, irritant-free, petroleum-free, fragrance-free and synthetic-free intimate care is the British company Yes. Yes produces revolutionary organic lubricants that are now even recommended by health insurance companies, hospitals and doctors.

Yes changes the world from the inside out
Yes products are certified organic, hormone-free, allergen-free and free from any skin-irritating substances. They are based on purely plant-based formulations in food quality. The individual raw materials and the end product are certified organic. The mucous membranes are actively nourished and soothed, and the entire intimate area is moisturised. The absence of glycerine and other synthetic substances ensures a natural, non-slippery feeling. No odours, stains or residues are left behind.

Yes water-based 
Yes is water-based and contains cooling and moisturising organic aloe vera. The texture is light and gel-like, odourless and leaves no crumbs or stains. Water-based Yes is ideal for mild dryness, itching and irritated skin. Aloe vera is easily absorbed and moisturises. The water-based lubricant is vegan and can be used with condoms. 

Yes on an oil basis 
Oil-based Yes consists of natural organic oils and butters (sunflower, cocoa butter, shea butter, sweet almond) and intensively nourishes even highly irritated, painful and brittle tissue. The intensive plant butters protect and nourish the tissue at the same time. The texture in the cool bottle is buttery, but melts smoothly in the hand and on the skin to a liquid oil consistency. Oil-based Yes contains beeswax and is not suitable for use with condoms. 

Coconut oil: satisfies cravings and helps you lose weight Fri, 24 Jan 2014 17:59:51 +0000 Coconut oil is definitely in. Since even die-hard beauty junkies have been turning to this natural beauty miracle, the countless possible uses for the body, hair and face have been recognised. However, a lot of research and the latest studies provide further reasons to always have coconut oil within reach.

Coconut oil against cravings Who hasn't experienced the cravings that usually go hand in hand with tiredness and drive us to coffee and chocolate? Coconut oil is a miracle weapon in the fight against cravings, because it works quickly, for a long time and doesn't lead to a subsequent low.

Scientific background Coconut oil is the vegetable oil with the highest known content of medium-chain fatty acids. The body transfers these directly to the liver, where they are converted into energy. This also happens with sugar and carbohydrates, but unlike these, coconut oil energy does not trigger a rapid rise in insulin levels in the bloodstream. Coconut oil therefore provides immediate energy without the energy low that follows a sugar high.

Coconut oil fills you up Trying it out is easy: 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil pure, with pure cocoa or superfood baobab (here), or eat with fruit. Our test has shown: You stay full and energised for around two hours.

Coconut oil helps you lose weight Most vegetable oils consist of long-chain triglycerides. The body stores these as fat. The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil, on the other hand, are transported by the body directly to the liver, where thermogenesis (heat production by the metabolism) is promoted and the metabolism is stimulated as a result. Studies show that just two tablespoons of coconut oil in a meal can increase body temperature and boost the metabolism.

Enjoy coconut oil Coconut oil can be used in many ways in the kitchen: for frying and baking, but also enjoyed raw, pure or on bread instead of butter, mixed with a superfood such as baobab or pure cocoa, over salad or as an addition to chia pudding (here to read an article about the superfood chia). There are no limits to your imagination - it has never been so easy to integrate a superfood into your everyday life!

Quality tip Make sure that the coconut oil is virgin and organic. This way you can rule out the possibility of toxins from the cultivation process and processing being contained in the end product.

