Green - Natural - Safe13

Perfume - The unrecognised danger in the bathroom

are perfumes dangerous? dr anna mandozzi explains

In mid-2012, the beauty scene was suddenly in a frenzy: Chanel's iconic perfume "Chanel No. 5" was placed on a blacklist by the EU and potentially banned. The reason: according to analyses, the perfume contains over 100 hazardous ingredients. We get to the bottom of this:

CBD oil: help with acne, anxiety, menstrual pain and much more

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CBD oil is the next big trend on the horizon. On the one hand in cosmetics, but also for ingestion to help with pain, anxiety, tension and much more. But what is CBD anyway and how is CBD oil extracted? Does CBD oil get you high or is it safe? Is CBD oil legally available? And what are the differences between CBD oil and [...]

Where does the colour in the Dr. Sponge Konjac sponge come from?

dr. sponge konjac sponges

The fun, colourful Konjac sponges from Dr. Sponge are on everyone's lips. Dr Sponge is unique because the sponges are enriched with effective plant ingredients such as aloe vera, lavender and bamboo charcoal. But where exactly does the colour of the sponges come from, how do they turn so pretty red, purple, green or black?

Trend topic: Microplastics in cosmetics

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Advertising shows us how: Manufacturers advertise with "small, soft beads soaked in essential oils" that "mechanically" clean the skin and teeth. The consumer can - and should - freely interpret exactly what this means. But nobody thinks about the fact that these are tiny plastic particles that find their way into our bodies and the environment [...]

100% BIO - An impossible goal?

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Organic products and natural versions of conventional products are one of the biggest trends in recent years. Every supermarket offers products in organic and "natural" formulations. This variety is commendable, but even when shopping for your next breakfast, you start to realise: When is enough enough? Where do you draw the line, what is necessary, where does the [...]

Glossary - What does "organic" mean?

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Organic is in. Everything is green, bio, organic, natural - but what exactly does "organic" actually mean? Organic products are produced or cultivated without the use of pharmaceuticals, hormones or synthetic chemicals. If a product contains organic ingredients, they have been cultivated and processed according to the principles of organic farming.

Nail polish - is there a 100% pure alternative?

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Nail polish is a miracle weapon: in the blink of an eye, colour can make us look more elegant or fashionable and can really make an outfit stand out! The effect of colour on us is also great, because even if we don't consciously perceive the colour, it still has an effect on us and can lift our mood, calm us down, [...].

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