Black tea - A bath to firm and drain the skin

black tea a bath to firm up cover picture

Black tea is a real treat. However, it is little known that black tea also has healing properties and can therefore also be used for the skin.

In addition to caffeine, black tea also contains tannins. If the tea is left to infuse for longer, the tannins bind the caffeine. Black tea is helpful for inflammation and wet wounds, has a soothing effect on the skin and can even be used to treat nappy rash in babies. The tannins also have a toning and draining effect. This makes black tea ideal for a relaxing bath.

A tannin-rich black tea bath helps to revitalise, tone and drain the skin. To do this, prepare 1 litre of strong black tea and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Add the tea to the bath water - and enjoy.

If you like Early Grey, you can add 2-3 drops of bergamot oil to the water, as the fresh bergamot scent also lifts the mood. A dash of full cream also nourishes the skin and a dash of lemon juice clarifies the skin and helps with impurities.


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