"Bio-logical" the app - Live bio-logically anytime, anywhere!

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A new app for smartphones has been available for a few weeks now and has caught our attention: "BIO-logisch" helps customers to find everything organic at the touch of a button, whether it's food, cosmetics, farmers and farm-gate sales, accommodation or shops.

With its possibilities, BIO-logisch is not only a practical tool for the user, but also a great opportunity for small organic retailers and farmers who do not have a large budget for expensive advertising and are dependent on interested - or hungry - customers finding them. As an app user, you can easily discover new and unknown organic products and also pay attention to sustainable and high-quality consumption when travelling and on holiday.

Biomazing naturally wanted to know who was behind such a great idea and asked Jasmin Reiss, entrepreneur, enthusiast, idealist and loyal organic consumer, for an interview.

BiomazingJasmin, thank you so much for taking the time for us, we are sure you have many other things to do!
Jasmin: Yes, my everyday life is hectic and full of tasks at the moment, but I'm really enjoying seeing BIO-logisch "in action"! It's a very special feeling when an idea becomes reality.

Biomazing: How did you develop the idea for BIO-logisch?
Jasmin: I am often travelling for work. So it was always difficult to eat well and find my favourite organic products. Instead of a sandwich from the supermarket, I would much rather have eaten fresh bread from the farmer made from regional ingredients and fresh vegetables, but when you're new to a place, you don't know these insider tips yet. So the idea came from my own need to be able to consume healthier and more sustainably.

BiomazingThe BIO-logic app has now been launched and can be used. What happens now?
Jasmin: The app currently contains more than 25,000 addresses, the majority of which are in Austria. In the coming weeks and months, all addresses from Germany and Switzerland will be added. We will soon have more than 250,000 entries!

Biomazing: What was the impetus for you to switch to organic products?
Jasmin: The basic impetus for organic products actually comes from my mum, who has always been very conscious of health and nutrition. It's simply incredibly important to look after yourself - your body is our most important "tool" in life and it can only support us if we do the same in return. I once heard a good comparison: nobody would feed their best racehorse with cola and hamburgers! We can largely influence our health and performance ourselves and I see it as our duty to do this to the best of our knowledge and belief!

Biomazing: What are the organic products that you no longer want to do without?
Jasmin: I can't live without "Everon" lip care from Weleda, especially in winter. Dry heating air no longer stands a chance! The same goes for Dr Hauschka's rose cream... a great skincare product! I wouldn't want to do without my oat milk from Alnatura for my morning caffè latte and the banana split chocolate from Maestrani... mhmmmmm... more than worth a sin!

Biomazing: What do you wish for the organic sector and its further development?
Jasmin: I hope that the trend towards organic will continue as it has in recent years. The growth is really commendable and beneficial for everyone, whether customers or suppliers.I still see a need for action in education.
I think that many people still need to be "shaken up", especially when it comes to differences in quality and health aspects. That's exactly why I think platforms like Biomazing are particularly great: new products are presented, scrutinised and shown why they are better for us - I think that's great! Biomazing in particular always has exciting tips for me!

BiomazingThank you for our interesting conversation, Jasmin! Congratulations on BIO-logisch and we look forward to hearing what happens next! Maybe we'll hear from you again soon...


BIO-logisch the app is free and available for iphones and Android devices. You can find more information at http://www.bio-logisch.mobi.


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