Back to basics: Lina Hanson's Swedish Christmas traditions for the table and skin

lina hanson

Lina Hanson travels the world in search of new inspiration. Just before Christmas, she returns to her home country of Sweden and discovers natural wonder weapons that will soon become part of her new creations. She told us about them, the beauty tips that go with them and her favourite Christmas tradition.

"Natural raw materials from all over the world inspire me to create my products. For thousands of years, people have relied on nature for their health and skin ailments. That's why I spend months travelling to different countries to learn about these ingredients and their benefits."

Some of Lina's well-known and newly discovered favourites from Sweden are:



"Growing up in Sweden meant that Christmas was always a very special time for my family. There was a great family dinner on Christmas Eve and lingonberries played a special role.

Getting the berries for it usually started a few months before Christmas. In autumn, you could find them around the house where I grew up. We would go into the woods, pick cranberries and make jam from them, which we would store until Christmas Eve!"

Rich in flavonoids - a phytochemical responsible for colouring plants and protecting them from harmful environmental influences - lingonberries have been a staple in Scandinavian kitchens for decades. The antioxidants they contain soothe skin irritations and can even lower blood sugar levels. The sour berry is full of nutrients that boost health.

Lina's beauty tip: Eat a handful of cranberries every day! This helps to keep the skin soft and clean.















Rowan berry

Similar to cranberries, rowanberries are also known for their abundance of antioxidants. These have an astringent effect and stimulate blood circulation.

Thanks to their high carotene and vitamin C content, rowanberries are ideal for detoxification and boost the immune system at the same time.
Lina's beauty tip: For a beautiful glow on the skin, mix crushed rowan berries with honey to make a face mask and apply.






In autumn, blueberries can be found almost everywhere in Sweden. Due to their high content of antioxidants and vitamins A & E, they have been eaten there for centuries. Their ingredients also have a positive effect on the hormone balance, fight acne and make the skin glow.

Lina's beauty tip: Mash a handful of blueberries and mix with a teaspoon of yoghurt - can be used as a delicious breakfast or as a brightening mask.





Birch oil (essential oil)

Birch forests are also widespread in Sweden. They have been known as a medicinal plant for thousands (!) of years. When applied to the skin, the tree's oil protects against bacterial infections. In addition, the astringent (=contracting) components in the oil tighten the skin and reduce wrinkles.

Lina's beauty tip: Add a drop of birch essential oil to distilled water and use as a skin toner.






Found in the Scandinavian forests, heather is prepared as an anti-inflammatory tea. This has a detoxifying effect and is often drunk for colds or flu-like infections.

Lina's beauty tip: Heather tea can be quickly prepared by pouring hot water over the petals of the plant and leaving to infuse for 15 minutes.





Mushrooms have been known for some time for their positive effect on health. Chanterelles, in particular, are rich in vitamin D, making them an effective remedy for acne and inflamed skin. They also contain a lot of selenium, which is an effective antioxidant that strengthens the hair and prevents hair loss.

Lina's beauty tip: Regular consumption of chanterelles or mushroom extract prevents spots.




Dry brushing and sauna

Most Scandinavians know about the benefits of the sauna: the skin is cleansed, toxins are removed and stress is reduced. This leaves it softer and healthier in the long term.

Lina's beauty tip: Massage the skin with the brush in an upward circular motion - this helps blood circulation and gives the skin a natural glow.















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