Asian beauties - The winter type

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Summer, autumn, winter or spring? Four different types - do you know which category you fit into? Asians belong to the winter type! However, this category is quite broad, so here is a brief characterisation. Very important: not only Asian women belong to the winter type, and not all Asian women are pure winter types. Sounds complicated? Don't worry, we'll break it down for you:


The winter type is characterised by following features from:

- Hair: Medium brown to blue-black
- Eyes: all shades of brown, blue and green
- Eyebrows: Strong
- Skin: Olive-coloured, tans quickly / the "Snow White type" with a pale complexion also belongs to the winter type

Which colours look particularly good on the winter type?
- Pink, magenta, violet
- Clear red, blue-red
- Clear green, bottle green, blue-green
- Clear blue from light to dark
- Black, white, grey

Basically, strong and bright colours are made for the winter type. When it comes to jewellery, silver, platinum and white gold are recommended.


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