Asana Spotlight: Vrksasana - the tree

asana spotlight vrksasana - the tree cover picture

Vrksasana, the tree, is a simple asana that strengthens the body while focussing on balance. Vrksasana is an ideal position to find your centre and improve your sense of balance.

To get into Vrksasana, first stand on both legs and let your arms hang relaxed along your body. The back is straight, the abdomen is active and the chest is open (tadasana). Now concentrate on the side of the body that is less strong (usually the left side) and focus on the leg, arm and side of the face. Then focus on the centre, the straight spine and the head sitting on it.

Next, find a point, ideally a little further away, and shift all your weight to the weaker side of your body. Now lift the leg on the stronger side, open the knee outwards and place the foot on the inner thigh of the other leg - as far above the knee as possible, i.e. directly above the knee or as far up as possible.

Inhale deeply to fix the pose internally and when you feel stable, raise your hands above your head and bring your palms together. The eyes remain open in this asana and the gaze can be focussed on an object nearby or further away.

Deep breathing relaxes the body, with each exhalation the body becomes looser. The spine is completely straight. Hold for around 10 breathing cycles - ideally longer, of course - then repeat on the other side.

Asanas, positions that you hold instead of moving, strengthen and relax the body and mind and are therefore an essential part of yoga. Like other asanas, the tree, Vrksasana, has a specific effect on the body: it has a revitalising effect and stretches the back, arms and legs. Vrksasana promotes the ability to concentrate and, above all, to maintain balance and is recommended for sciatica.

The tree can be performed in many variations and can also be combined with other positions, such as the side twist.


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