Asana Spotlight: Utkatasana - the chair

asana spotlight utkatasana the chair cover picture

Utkatasana, the chair, is not a simple, gentle asana like Vrksasana - the treebut a direct, intense position. The name already gives this away: in Utkatasana, the yogi appears to be sitting in an imaginary armchair - and the face often looks unhappily strained, as Utkatasana demands a lot of strength from the legs, back and ankles.

To get into Utkatasana, start by standing on both legs - hip-width apart - and let your arms hang relaxed along your body. The back is straight, the abdomen is active and the chest is open (tadasana). Concentrate on a feeling of grounding and the width of the pelvis. Inhale deeply and with the next exhalation sit backwards as if in an imaginary chair, knees no further forwards than the ankles, soles of the feet remain on the floor.

As you exhale and lower your pelvis, stretch your arms straight forwards and halfway up at the same speed (see picture), with your thumbs pointing upwards and your palms facing inwards. Now remain in Utkatasana.

This is the simplest and first version of Utkatasana. Depending on the level of practice, Utkatasana can be varied and intensified.

The word Utkatasana translates as "powerful position". Performed correctly, Utkatasana strengthens the calves, knees and ankles and is effective for flat feet. Quadriceps and the inner thigh muscle are trained extremely effectively (goodbye cellulite!) and the knee gains stability. The heart, diaphragm and organs in the abdominal cavity are strengthened. Utkatasana stimulates the root chakra. This helps us to find our own path, take root and absorb physical and spiritual nourishment.

Attention If you have knee problems, an injured miniscus or injured or strained ligaments, Utkatasana should be avoided. Those who tend to have high blood pressure should keep their arms lower than usual, while those with lower back pain or women who are menstruating should raise their arms higher.

Utkatasana can be performed without hesitation during the first few months of pregnancy and is even recommended during this time to strengthen the body for the extra weight. As the hormones loosen the ligaments during pregnancy, among other things, a variation of Utkatasana should be performed with the help of professional tips or an alternative asana should be found.

Asanas, positions that you hold instead of moving, strengthen and relax the body and mind and are therefore an essential part of yoga.


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