Bio Star 2015 - All good things come in fours!

bio star awards

We are jubilant! Biomazing was honoured four times at this year's Bio Star 2015 awards in Switzerland. This means that the number of awards has even doubled compared to the previous year. We are delighted that our passion, dedication, hard work and enthusiasm for natural cosmetics can also be felt by all our fans, customers and partners, who voted for Biomazing.

For this reason, we would like to thank all our fans, customers, friends, partners and supporters. Without you, none of this would have been possible and Biomazing would not be what it is today. We are happy to share the development of our favourite project with you!

Bio Star Award
We are also particularly pleased that we have been awarded a new special category in addition to the categories FRIENDLY SERVICE, CONSULTANCY COMPETENCE and CUSTOMER SERVICE, namely NATURAL BEAUTY.

We promise you that the Biomazing adventures have only just begun and that many more new products, exciting articles and one or two surprises will soon become reality. We are looking forward to the journey together with the Biomazing family!

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