8 tips for a successful detox programme

8 tips for a successful detox cure cover picture

Detoxing is on everyone's lips. What used to be known as a spring cleanse is no longer limited to one season or a certain period of time. More and more people want to lead a completely de-toxified lifestyle and follow the basic rules for a healthy and detoxified body every day.

Whether it's a long or short detox, juice or cabbage soup cure, you should always bear these important points in mind:

Ask your doctor Although every detox has only good things in mind, you should make sure that the detox you choose is also good for your body. Every detox changes certain physiological processes. The intake of new foods and herbs also affects the body. If you have any concerns or an existing illness, it is best to consult your doctor to make sure that the planned detox will only have positive effects.

Move around Exercise not only helps with weight loss but also supports important detoxification processes in the body. Lymph flow, circulation and proper breathing and sweating are stimulated - all important processes for eliminating toxins. Exercise also stimulates the functions of the kidneys, digestive tract, lungs and liver and thus those organs responsible for the elimination of toxins.

Preparation To prevent the body from going into absolute shock, including migraine attacks and bouts of fatigue, you should reduce the amount of toxins you cut out completely during the detox in the days before and after the detox. The classics are coffee and caffeinated tea, alcohol, sugar and white flour. This makes detoxing easier, as the body starts detoxing gently in advance.

Liquid is important The transport of toxins and waste products from the cells through the blood and lymphatic fluid until they are excreted requires water. Without sufficient water, the toxins cannot be excreted and, in the worst case, can do more harm than good. Herbal teas and water, e.g. with lemon, cucumber or mint, make drinking easier.

Always take it easy Stress depletes the body of important nutrients such as vitamins B and C. However, it is precisely these nutrients that the body needs to detoxify. If you are exposed to too much stress during an intensive detox programme, the body cannot or cannot effectively eliminate the toxins that have been released, which can even have negative consequences for the body. This is particularly important for short and very intensive detox programmes.

Sleep rhythm If the body is to work, it also needs sufficient rest to recharge its batteries. In addition, it is during the night that the body works intensively on detoxification. An early night's sleep and sufficient sleep are therefore particularly important for detoxification.

Customised intensity Not every body is suitable for every type of detox. Depending on your general state of health, current stress levels, the pills you are taking and other external circumstances, you may feel ready for a more or less intensive detox. It is important to listen to your body and understand the warning signals. In the event of circulatory problems, water retention in the body or a rise and fall in blood sugar levels, you should always seek medical advice. A different time or a different detox method may help better - and will also be more fun and more effective.

Detoxing should not be underestimated Detoxifying the body doesn't just mean losing a few extra kilos and rebalancing unhealthy habits. Proper detoxification has a strong impact on the body and its functions and must therefore be taken seriously. Typical side effects include tiredness, concentration problems, restlessness and even sadness or feelings of anxiety. These are normal reactions of the body to the detoxification and healing process, but you should be prepared to deal with the situation. Tips for emergencies include relaxing or revitalising baths, teas, meditation and gentle exercise.

photo credit: eat life whole

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