7 ways to use the Altitude Oil from de Mamiel

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The Altitude Oil from De Mamiel is an unusual product - and one of which we have no comparable product in our range: It has a potent effect against colds, when travelling and is an all-rounder for everyday use. We spoke to the enchanting Annee de Mamiel about the special effects and possible applications of her star product.

What is the Altitude used for?

Who doesn't know those days when you wake up with a scratchy feeling in your throat, or those days when you can't get a moment's peace at the office? Annee de Mamiel has developed Altitude Oil precisely for these days. The fragrance provides a real short break for the senses and the mind in stressful times. The calming yet fresh scent of the oil acts like a reset button, like a pause button that you can press to take a deep breath and calm down again.


  • If you are under so much stress at the office that you no longer know where your head is, Altitude Oil helps you to stay calm and not panic.
  • If you can already feel a cold or even the flu coming on, or if you notice that you can hardly breathe through your nose, Altitude Oil clears your airways and pushes the sick feeling aside. It is a real immune system booster! Almost like a green juice to sniff...
  • The antibacterial effect of Altitude Oil relieves itching and promotes rapid healing of gel stings
  • For reddened areas, dry skin, e.g. with a cold and reddened nose, Altitude Oil soothes sensitive, irritated skin with its antibacterial effect
  •  Dabbed onto pimples or blackheads, Altitude Oil soothes skin irritation and ensures rapid healing - making it an ideal spot treatment!
  • When boarding an aeroplane, many people experience an increase in stress hormones and a more tense mood. Due to its stress-relieving effect, Altitude Oil calms the senses when flying and keeps your ears open. You also get headaches more quickly when flying and Altitude Oil helps you to keep a cool head and relax.altitude-zoom_2048x2048

Why does Altitude Oil have such an intensive effect?

Annee de Mamiel attaches great importance to the special ingredients of Altitude Oil. It consists of highly effective essential oils such as eucalypthus oil, lemon myrtle oil, peppermint oil, patchouli oil, lavender oil from New Zealand and fragonia oil from Australia. The ingredients are all sustainably grown and from special areas of the world. Lavender from New Zealand, for example, has a much more intense effect than conventional lavender from Europe. Fragonia also has a particularly rich and regenerating effect. For Annee deMamiel, it is also a matter of course to source as sustainably as possible and to use only the purest and highest quality ingredients in gentle processes.

How can Altitude Oil be used?

  • Altitude can be gently dabbed onto the skin and massaged in.
  • Drizzle a few drops of Altitude Oil onto the floor of the shower and shower: The steam from the hot water spreads the calming effect throughout the room.
  • Drizzled onto the pillow (or a handkerchief), the oil unfolds its effect and ensures deep, peaceful sleep.
  • A drop under the nose is particularly helpful for colds and flu.
  • Rubbing a few drops on the temples helps to defy the onset of a headache.
  • Due to its antibacterial effect, Altitude Oil can be used as a gift for people in hospital or in hospices, for whom the scent and effect are particularly beneficial.
  • Altitude Oil ensures a cool head in the workplace. It doesn't even need to be applied for optimum effect, sometimes it's enough to simply take a quick sniff of the small bottle.
  • Dripped onto a small handkerchief, it is the ideal companion for children at school or kindergarten.
  • The Altitude Oil is also a wonderful gift for men, as the scent of myrrh and mint soothes the senses, but does not smell too "feminine" in its intense odour.altitude-oil-bottles_resize

The Altitude Oil and its many modes of action are therefore the ideal companion for any everyday life in which a stressful situation could arise, but also the perfect booster for the immune system. It helps to release blockages before they even arise.

Altitude Oil is already a firm favourite in our Biomazing offices and showroom: we like to use Altitude Oil instead of coffee to sniff, drizzle on, for inflammation, when our heads are spinning or when we feel tired.

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