4 tips for a healthy morning coffee

4 tips for a healthy morning coffee cover picture

Whether it's an espresso or a caffè latte, if you love your coffee, you won't let it go to waste. Blogger Laura has given us here great coffee alternatives for a lively start to the day, but if you still don't want to give up your beloved cup, you can turn your coffee into a health booster with a few simple tricks.

Coffee doesn't have the best reputation, but it could easily pass for a superfood: It is particularly rich in antioxidants and coffee's own caffeine can - when consumed in large quantities - prevent a number of age-related diseases. Coffee can quickly relieve incipient headaches and migraines and improve mild asthma.

The decisive factor with coffee is the quantity - and our tricks. More than 1-2 cups a day should be the exception.

1 glass of water as a starter
Always drink a glass of water before your coffee. This quenches your thirst, provides your body with sufficient fluids and, as your thirst is already quenched, you enjoy your coffee more intensely.

Why organic coffee?
Coffee is considered to be the foodstuff most intensively treated with chemicals and biocides (substances for pest control). Among other things, coffee is often treated with fertiliser made from synthetic petroleum. This not only ends up in the coffee, but also seeps into the soil, making the soil infertile and ultimately ending up in the groundwater.

The natural coffee plant needs shade, which it enjoys under the protection of the rainforest. In order to grow coffee even more efficiently, hybrid coffee plants have been bred that are resistant to the sun and have to make room for the rainforest. These plants account for around 70% of global coffee production.
The healthy choice for the environment and yourself is therefore organic coffee.

Healthy sweetness and cereal milk
Lots of milk and sweetener in your coffee? Better not. Healthier alternatives are cane sugar, honey or stevia. If you use rice milk instead of milk, you can sweeten your coffee without any sugar. Other healthy alternatives are oat and almond milk.

Soya milk is only recommended in moderation. Soya can have hormonal effects on the body, a large proportion of industrially grown soya is genetically modified and its cultivation depletes the soil.

Superfood coconut oil

A small spoonful of native organic coconut oil dissolved in coffee makes the coffee taste wonderfully creamy and is particularly healthy and beneficial: coconut oil stimulates the metabolism, helps with weight loss (!), strengthens the immune system and is an excellent source of important fatty acids. Coconut oil also supports brain performance and studies have shown that it can even prevent dementia.

photo credit: carri-me.com

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