Skincare expert Jess: 3 reasons for natural skincare

strong skincare

Natural skincare trumps conventional skincare in absolutely every. Point. Of course I say that, because I dream of all people having Stark Skincare (is that a bit ambitious?) - but there are really good REASONS why I want everyone to use natural skincare.

This article goes back to basics. If you still haven't switched to natural skincare, I hope this information is useful and you finally click over to the Biomazing shop and buy all Stark products!strong skincare vegan Europe

1. no controversial natural ingredients.

At least not very many and certainly not in natural skin care products. Sure, I don't want poison ivy in my tonic and I don't want arsenic in my toothpaste either, but nobody sells us that anyway. The only problem can be allergies, and these can occur anywhere and at any time, with conventional cosmetics just as much as with natural ones. In contrast to conventional products, ingredients are simply not used if they have no benefit for the skin, because then they simply have no place in your product. This is the logic that manufacturers work with, and it won't change. After all, you look after your customers and want them to have happy skin!

Unfortunately, this is absolutely not the case when it comes to conventional cosmetics. Many controversial ingredients, such as parabens, phthalates, various preservatives, colours and synthetic fragrances, which have been proven to be harmful to humans or for which the verdict is still pending, are used in conventional products.

Why? If ingredients are not harmful (to our knowledge), does that mean that they are healthy? No. It does not. So why don't we just stop worrying about whether one product or another is damaging our liver and use natural ingredients that we know are healthy and good for the skin? Exactly, it's as simple as that.


.2. natural skin care products are not tested on animals.

I can't think of a single truly natural skincare brand that has ever tested its products on animals. It is simply not logical for a company that respects life, from the perfection of plants to the beauty and health of humans, to have to test its products on animals before putting them on the market.

I love this quote because it sums up animal testing perfectly:

"Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals and they will answer "Because animals are like us". Ask the experimenters why it is morally okay to experiment on animals, and the answer will be: "Because animals are not like us". The basis for animal experimentation is a logical contradiction."
- Professor Charles R. Magel (1980)

Incidentally, Stark is from PETA and Leaping Bunny certified. High five!


3. natural skin care is more cost-efficient.

Yes, natural and organic skincare products seem more expensive (and most of the time they are), but they also have MUCH more value. Natural skincare uses EXCLUSIVELY those expensive ingredients (and I can probably only speak for Stark here) that semi-green brands advertise. Whilst a conventional product may contain a drop of argan oil, a bottle of Stark product may contain 1/3 argan oil. And this substance is EXPENSIVE! So, yes, you may pay more, but you get much more value for it, use less of it and get better results.

Conventional skin care is cheap to produce. Very cheap, a few centimes. The ingredients for it can be produced cheaply in large quantities in the laboratory. These are chemicals that are synthetic or derived from refined petroleum by-products. Yes, like plastic. It's nothing more than processed waste. Rubbish, if you want to call it that. And these ingredients are toxic, but they smell sweet, don't they? What you pay for is expensive marketing and celebrity campaigns. You pay for high-tech packaging and managers who clean their arse with diamond-studded kittens.

I could list many more reasons. I could talk about certain ingredients that should be avoided at all costs and those that should be used every day, but that was just a quick refresher.

What is the main reason why you LOVE natural skincare? Why do you keep coming back to natural products?

Your Jess


The expert: Jessica LaFleur, founder of Stark Skincare

The clever and funny tree-hugger and wild child Jessica Lafleur is the founder of Stark Skincare. Her approach to plants, medicine and skincare is characterised by profound knowledge and strong intuition. The fact that all the products she develops are vegan, gluten-free, organic, fair trade and 100% biodegradable is also testament to Jessica's belief that we need to treat the earth gently and wisely. In her column, we learn about her world and always find out something new and exciting from the world of skincare.

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